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Like I promised. Warning: may be sad to some viewers.



"Babe let's go to the mall?" Amity asks once I get out of the shower, drying myself off. "That actually do sent sound that bad. Grab the keys." it's Sunday and I have to work tomorrow, it's also Amitys first day so she seems excited.

Once I get my clothes on we get in the car and head there.

Once there she grabs my arm and basically drags me into Macy's. "This place reaks of perfume." she looks at me with the biggest grin on her face. I whisper in her ear "go wild, but later you owe me something." her face begins to turn red but after a while she nods making my face go red.

A while after Amity finishes shopping

"Did you get everything you wanted?" she nods holding 6 bags full of clothes. "Let's go home jeez." we leave the mall and pile the stuff into the car. "How about we go get something to eat? It is lunch time." she nods her head and I drive towards Arby's."ok so here were gonna need to cross the street since I can't get over.

Amity and I get out of the car and begin to cross the street. That's when out of the corner of my eye I see a car, speeding through the lights and about to hit us. My body freezes for a second until I do the unthinkable and push Amity out of the cars way. Things yet again go dark.

Amity POV

Luz just got hit by a car, she's bleeding, barely breathing. What the fuck do I do. "HELP SOMEONE HELP." around 5 people nearby come and see what was happening. 1 of them try and perform CPR. But I barely remember a lot since I passed out as well.

Just a little somethin somethin... Also don't threatin me, u know who u r. I'm leaving it like this for now and I'll be back June 1st

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