yet, another fight.

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( Third Person,

June 10th— 7:20 PM )

The party had ended and everyone was on their way to the exit door. It had ended awkwardly for the adults, but ended hilariously for the two teenagers.

Jason's father had not received the big award for 'best surgeon.' Instead, Luke Hemmings, Asteria's uncle, had won and Jason's parents stomped out. Jason gave Asteria an angry glare at her quiet laughing.

Asteria had now begun to say goodbye to everyone she knew, including Capser's parents— who she loved dearly.

"It was wonderful to see you, Asteria." Mr. Faucheaux had said. "You've grown so much!"

Asteria smiled widely. "Thank you." she said, "I hope to see you guys soon!"

"You will!" Mrs. Faucheaux smiled. "We'll be attending the end of summer potluck in September!"

"That's wonderful." Asteria smiled. "I've got to go, but It was lovely to see you two. Bye!"

Asteria waved to Mr and Mrs Faucheaux and left the ceremony. Before leaving for her car, she picked up Apollo from her family and put Apollo in the car. Before walking around the car, she bumped into someone's chest.

"Oh, I'm so sorry— Nevermind." Asteria rolled her eyes at the smug smirk of Casper's face. "Move."

"I just wanted to say my goodbyes," Casper said, moving to open Asteria's car door.

"How nice of you." Asteria pursed her lips and got into her car. Casper closed it and leaned against the open window.

"Now, we don't have to see each other for a while." Casper said happily.

"Thank god," Asteria placed a hand on her chest. "You're annoying as shit."

"Yeah?" Casper smirked. "I'm not the only one, sweetheart. See you later,"

"Throw up." Asteria mocked. "See you later, Casper the ghost."


"You are grounded."

Asteria rolled her eyes and shut her door quickly. She flung herself onto her bed, headfirst.

Another petty fight between her and her father about her job hours. He needed someone to take Apollo to the park since 'he didn't leave the house enough' and told Asteria to do it. However, Asteria was scheduled the next day and couldn't— which led to a fight.

This time, no one was there to back her up. Ashton was running errands, Luke was at Sierra's, and Calum was out looking at dogs.

Asteria sat on her bed, her legs up to her chest and laying down on her side. It was quiet now. She was sure Michael probably left and went somewhere besides her house.

Michael just liked to stir issues up and she was sure of that.

A few hours later, Ashton had arrived home to a very harsh tension in the air and was sure Asteria and Michael had another fight.

"Asteria! It's Ashton, I'm home!" He shouted. He heard a bedroom door open and Asteria shouted back.

"Did you get apples?"

"I did!" Ashton leaned against the counter. "Wanna come help unload?"

Asteria walked down the stairs and Ashton confirmed his suspicion. Asteria had bloodshot eyes and her cheeks were puffy, as if she'd been crying.

Ashton exhaled, and without another word— brought her in for a tight hug.

Ashton, Calum and Luke were all over the nonsense fighting that Michael caused between the two. It was always something.

Asteria hiccuped, trying not to cry. She whispered. "I don't know what I did to deserve this, Ash."

Ashton frowned and kissed the top of her head. "You did nothing. What happened?"

"He wanted me to take Apollo to the park tomorrow," She sniffled, pulling away and avoiding eye contact. "But I have work tomorrow, so I said I couldn't and he said that I had ridiculous hours at my job and should quit. I said I wasn't going to and he shouted at me for not being a good sister."

"Why would he force you to do it?" Ashton asked, his eyebrows flying together. "Everyone is free tomorrow. Including him."

"I-I don't know." Asteria shrugged. "Why's it always me?"

Ashton frowned. "I don't know honey. It'll be okay. How about you help me unload the dishes? We can even make your favorite for dinner. I got the ingredients."

"Okay." Asteria cracked a small smile.


Michael hadn't come home yet, and it was nearing 12 am. Luke, Ashton and Calum all sat on the couch.

"Where the hell is Michael?" Asked Luke. Ashton shrugged.

"He and Asteria got into yet another fight. I found Asteria crying when I got home before dinner."

"What?" Calum spoke, "Another one? Is she okay?"

"She's okay now, but she wasn't. I walked into the house with some tension and found Asteria home alone. She was crying. Apparently, Michael was trying to force Asteria to take Apollo to the park but she couldn't because she has work. He shouted at her for it. We all have no work tomorrow, why couldn't he take him? She isn't the parent."

"I don't know about you," Luke said. "But I'm sick of Michael acting this way."

"Me too." Calum exhaled. "We have to do something about it."

"I have a plan."


hello gracie song as the start she's so 

with love, always, michael cliffordWhere stories live. Discover now