invisible string theory.

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It was the first night, and the day had been exhausting. The flight had been long, the drive to Asteria's grandparents house had been long, and the weather was warm — it wasn't exciting.

Michael came into her room that night to say sweet dreams, but to also inform her of something.

"Hey darling," Michael said gently, knocking on the door. "Just coming to say goodnight. How are you?"

Asteria looked up from her phone, mid-text, and smiled at her father. "Good. I'm texting Casper."

Michael chuckled and sat at the end of her bed. "Can I talk to you for a moment?"

Asteria's eyebrows went together, but she nodded and sat up completely. She put her phone down on the pillow next to her.

"Your mothers family wants to see you," Michael said gently. "But you haven't seen them for a really long time and I don't want to do it if you're not comfortable with seeing them quite yet."

Asteria shifted in her spot.

Her mom, Josephine, had been born and raised in Melbourne, Australia near the airport. Her whole life. She was an olympic surfer and even went as far as training for the 2004 summer Olympics in Athens, Greece.

Asteria knew her mom's family, obviously. They weren't bad people. She just hadn't seen them since the funeral — it had been too hard.

But now, she is nearly 17. Basically 17. She had to meet them again.

"I want to go." She finally said, looking up. "I should go see them."

Michael exhaled a breath. "Are you sure? Because you absolutely don't have to go if you do not want to."

"I will go." Asteria said firmly.

That night, she texted Casper until her eyes were too heavy and fell asleep.

The first night wasn't bad. She slept like a baby, but the hours were so different it felt weird. She woke up and went downstairs to chocolate chip pancakes being made.

"Smells delicious," Asteria took a big whiff of the scent. "Where's dad?"

Her grandpa chuckled. "Out back with your brother. They are playing frisbee. I reckon your brother is good at it, better than I was back in my day."

Asteria hummed softly and took a plate from her grandma and sat down at the island to eat. She listened to her grandparents sing to the music playing, dancing like they were young.

"Have you got a boyfriend back home, dear?" Her grandma asked as she put a plate down in the sink.

Asteria's cheeks went red. "Yeah."

"You do?" Her grandpa looked straight up. "Who?"

"His name is Casper—"

"Oh my," Karen laughed. "Casper Faucheux? You two are finally together? Took you long enough."

Asteria's eyes blinked fast. "What?"

"Your dad and mom would always talk about how you two were meant for eachother. Your mother taught him to surf and swim when he was about — 7."

Asteria's thoughts became, invisible strings. 

with love, always, michael cliffordWhere stories live. Discover now