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It is now day 4 of the vacation and it has been nothing but silence.

After Casper took her to the Aquarium and dropped her back off at her house, she got a couple more texts from the number. It freaked her out—not only did she not know who it was, but the way she knew things about Asteria that she kept at a friend only information level.

"Hello, sweetheart." Michael greeted Asteria as she entered the kitchen. Michael gave her a temple kiss before grabbing his coffee. "What are your plans for today?"

Asteria shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not sure. I wanted to go into town and see if I can make any friends."

"That sounds like fun," Michael nodded. "Maybe invite Casper."

Asteria narrowed her eyes. "Why?"

Michael looked up. "Why? I thought you two were getting along, Aster."

"Well," Asteria blinked. "We are. Kind of. I think we're just sort of tolerating each other right now. It's not like we're going to forget being enemies and have sleepovers now."

Michael's lips pursed and he nodded. "Well, alright."

Asteria nodded at her father before leaving the kitchen, kissing Apollo's head—who was trapped in a random kids TV show and went upstairs to her vacation room. She decided to embrace her vacation tourist part (despite being in Honolulu more times than she can count) and changing into a dark green tank top and black denim shorts.

She left the house, twirling her keys in her hand before entering her car and starting to drive to the tourist location.

When she arrived, she parked and saw everyone walking about and she suddenly felt a bit lonely—this surely wasn't going to be a fun tourist thing without someone alongside her.

Lowering her ego, she picked up her phone and called Casper.

"Miss me already?" Casper asked with a low chuckle into the phone a second after he picked up.

"I'm at the tourist shops near the big hotel and I'm bored and alone. I don't want to shop alone. Please just keep me company, you asshat." Asteria grumbled.

"Say that sentence in a nicer tone, and maybe I'll consider it." Casper chuckled.

"Please come and hang out with me." Asteria rolled her eyes.

"I'll be there soon, Aster."

True to his word, Casper showed up just a little later with a big, cocky smile. He knocked on Asteria's car window, and she rolled it down.

"Good afternoon, sweetheart. You seem lovely. You called for company?" He asked cockily.

"Stop being cocky," Asteria rolled her eyes and got out of her car. Casper and Asteria approached the shopping center.

They shopped the whole day. Shopped until they dropped.

"Do you seriously need this much books, Asteria?" Casper mumbled as they approached her car. "I mean fucking hell. My arms hurt."

Asteria took the books from him, giving him a slight glare and putting it into her passenger seat. "You're a baby."

"I can be your baby," Casper winked.

"Oh my god," Asteria looked up at him and shook her head. "That was fucking awful. Go home." 

with love, always, michael cliffordWhere stories live. Discover now