a drive with casper and apollo.

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Casper hated Asteria.

And it's not the kind of hate where you'd ignore them, shit-talk about them to your best friends, possibly ramble to your parents about the very person.

No, he hated her with every fiber of his being. He hated the way she would fiddle with her pajama strings for moments on end while they explained the day's plans. He hated the way she bit her lip when something was begging to leave her vanilla chapstick lips. He hated the way she narrowed her eyes whenever something came off as weird to her.

He hated her with every fiber of his being.

Same goes for Asteria.

She hated him with every fiber of her being. The way he would slide his tongue across the bottom of his lips whenever he would speak in one sentence a lot. The way he nodded at Asteria whenever she called the 'important day plans' too fast. The way he was wearing his green eyes with such power.

Asteria wanted to scream her head off. Spending 2 weeks with a guy she absolutely hated? Not on her bucket list.

She simply wanted to scream her pretty head off when her father patted her on the back and said, "Why don't you, Casper and Apollo drive in the same car?"

Reluctantly, Asteria changed into dark blue denim shorts and a white t-shirt that said save the earth with a small earth next to it. She also had a swimsuit under her clothes – it was a habit. She wore white converse as well.

Casper and Apollo walked side by side as Asteria led them to her car, one that was sitting in the shade – not gaining any sunlight, which was a good thing due to the height in temperature on that fine Friday.

Asteria sat in the driver's seat and placed her things down in the cup holder. Casper sat in the passenger's seat, buckling himself and glancing at how Asteria moved. Apollo sat in his car seat and held his book in his hand.

Asteria sat her phone down in between her legs and started the car. Silence filled the confined vehicle as she began to drive down the street.

Casper hesitated as he watched her drive. Is everyone this beautiful while driving? He thought, but squeezed his eyes shut and said. Shut up.

"Can I charge my phone?" Casper asks softly.

Asteria, startled by the sudden softness in Casper's voice, glanced at him. She opened her mouth and a second flew by before anything came out. "Yeah. There's a charger in my glovebox,"

"Thanks," Casper whispered. A small smirk slid onto his face when he noticed her glancing at him and he whispered. "Eyes on the road, sweetheart."

Asteria swallowed her saliva instantly and blinked rapidly. Her eyes stayed on the road as they drove in silence. It was 10 minutes until anyone said anything else.

"Aster?" Apollo spoke from his seat in the back.

"Yeah, bud?" Asteria hummed.

"Can we get something to eat?" Apollo asked. "I haven't eaten breakfast."

"Of course!" Asteria said quickly.

Asteria pulled up to the nearest McDonalds and pulled through the drive through and rolled down her window to the speaker.

An employee spoke, "Hello, welcome to McDonalds. What can I get you today?"

Asteria paused for a second to think, and turned to Apollo. "What do you want, buddy?" She asked, "They've only got breakfast items right now."

"Can..." Apollo tapped his chin likely. "Can I get a Sausage Egg McMuffin, please?"

Asteria nodded her head and turned to the speaker, "Could I get a Sausage Egg McMuffin meal? With sprite and a medium fry along with that?"

with love, always, michael cliffordWhere stories live. Discover now