his oxygen underwater.

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After the whole fiasco, Casper drove to Asteria's house. And told Michael.

To sum it up, Michael was upset that this had happened without his knowledge. But he didn't scold Asteria. Instead, he gave her a hug and let the two go upstairs.

"Thank you," Asteria hummed softly, opening her bedroom door. "You know, for everything."

Casper let a small smile tug on his face as Asteria sat down on her bed. He closed her door and shrugged. "No need to thank me. You don't deserve that."

Asteria met Casper's eyes and hugged her knees. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"Don't apologize either," Casper sat on Asteria's desk chair and smiled warmly. "I'm glad I found you though."

"Me too," Asteria said. "I probably would've had a panic attack in my car alone. Not the best mixture."

Casper let another smile tug at his lips and he nodded. "What were you shopping for anyway?"

"I was shopping cause my brother was crying and sick," Asteria explained. "I didn't want to. It was too rainy. But I did it anyway. In a round-a-bout sort of way, I'm glad I did."

"Me too, love, me too." Casper said, watching as Asteria slowly got up. She moved across her room to open the windows — the small balcony doors.

She turned. "Do you... maybe wanna sit out on the balcony with me? Watch the sunset? And the storm over the ocean?"

Casper had watched the sunset and sunrise multiple times. Maybe over a thousand in his lifetime. He'd been alive for 17 years, and he'd lived in Hawai'i for 13 of those years. But this felt different — like a tug at his heart.

He nodded. "Yeah."

They both got up and moved to the outside. Asteria brushed off the chairs, grabbed two beach towels and set them on the chairs and they both sat down.

Casper watched Asteria focus on sitting down. She watched her toy with her necklace. She watched her mess with her rings. Watched her adjust her shirt, adjust her shorts.

And he felt a tug at his chest.

"You okay?" Asteria asked softly.

"I have something for you." Casper blurted out.

Asteria's eyebrows went together. She sat up. "You do?"

Casper swallowed harshly and he sat up as well. Crossed his legs. "I was on my way to your house when I found you in the parking lot. I—" He grabbed something from his pocket. "You were so upset that it broke — I felt bad."

Casper the not-so friendly ghost pulled out a silver star necklace in a small baggy.

The small silver star necklace Asteria had complained about breaking whilst on vacation. The one she wore nearly everyday — a new one.

"I found one on Amazon," Casper said softly, placing the necklace in her hands. Her shaky hands. "And I thought, why the hell not? You loved that necklace. I didn't— I didn't want to see you sad."

"Casper," Asteria took the necklace and examined it. "You did this for me?"

"Yeah." Casper nodded.

Asteria got up. Went over to Casper. And gave him a hug.

"Thank you," She whispered into his shoulder. "This means a lot."

Casper hesitantly put his arms around her waist, laid his chin on the top of her head. His heart was beating out of his chest. "You're welcome, honey."

Asteria pulled back and mumbled. "Can you put it on?"

Casper's cheeks burned as well. He nodded. Asteria turned around, and Casper moved her hair out of the way.

Gently, he put the necklace on and put her hair back. She turned around and Casper's breath hitched when he saw the necklace he bought her on her neck.

"How does it look?" Asteria mumbled, looking down at the necklace.

"It looks great," Casper swallowed. "You look great."

Asteria looked up at Casper. Casper looked down at Asteria.

"Thanks." Asteria swallowed, moving to walk past Casper and into her room. Before her heart exploded.

Before he could react, his hand flew to her wrist and he mumbled. "Stay."

Asteria turned around, looked up at Casper and before she could react — Casper's hands flew to her cheeks. He cupped her face.

He pushed her against the window near her balcony, her back against the window. His thumb brushed across her freckled, sunburnt cheeks. His deep green eyes stared into hers.

"'Steria," He mumbled, brushing his thumb across her cheek. "Can I kiss you, sweetheart?"

Asteria couldn't find any words. Her chest was pounding. Her cheeks were flushed.


Casper wasted no minute. No second. Nothing before his lips found hers, before his lips placed on hers. He dipped his head down and kissed Asteria like she was his air — the oxygen underwater.

He kissed her softly. Gently. Like she was a delicate angel in the palm of his hands. Like she would float away if he let go of her cheeks.

Their lips moved in sync. His hands cupped her jaw, cheeks, moved down her body to her waist as her hands found the hem of his shirt.

Their eyes closed. Just Asteria and Casper while the thunderstorm roared over the ocean. While the waves crashed nearby.

Casper held her waist in his hand. Held it like she'd run away the second he let go. He kissed her until the air left her lungs, until he'd have to pull away.

Asteria was the first to pull away. Her hooded eyelids looked up at Casper. His chest was heavy. He licked his lips.

"We shouldn't be doing this," She whispered.

"Tell me to stop." Casper said softly.

"No." Asteria mumbled, catching his lips again.

Casper's hands flew to her cheeks again. Asteria's hands flew to his hair, ran her fingers through his delicate beachy waves. He gently pulled her off the wall and they soon found the edge of her bed.

He gently had her against the bed. The back of Asteria's knees against the edge of her bed. The wind from the outdoors hit the two — Asteria's hair flowing.

They were interrupted by the door opening.

Asteria and Casper flew apart within seconds. Their eyes flew to the door. Their hair a mess, Casper's chest rising and going down like crazy. Asteria's heart was pounding so loud you could hear.

"Oh," Apollo mumbled. "Um. Aster, um, dad needs you."

Casper never ran out of a house faster.

Leaving Asteria a confused mess.

with love, always, michael cliffordWhere stories live. Discover now