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When you  smile,

i also get the sudden urge to do so.


I would be lying if I said I wasn't giddy the next week too. Sameer's affect on me was almost like torture. Refusing to leave and forcing himself into my mind. I smiled when I remembered our hands touching even if it was just him basically dragging me to the car.

"You have cleaned that plate three times," My mother interjected. She had a large mug of coffee in her hands. "Are you okay?"

I froze. "Yes I'm so totally fine." I answered. My eyes wandered around the room trying to avoid her gaze when randomly I took a look at the clock. "Oh my god I'm so late!" I rushed up the stairs and switched out of my pj's and ran out the house. I cant believe I had forgotten about the job I had picked up. It was at the other side of town and I was notified that I got it via email. I was going to be a cafe assistant!

"Bye mom!" I yelled as I ran out the door, clutching my keys and my tote at my side. I zoomed past a figure as I ran to get into my car.

"Where are you running off to?" Kaif laughed. "I wanna come!"

I rolled my eyes as I fumbled with the car door. "You can't." I opened the door and got in. "It's my new job!"

Kaif ran to me and opened the passenger side door. "No way. I want to see it."

I looked at him, I wasn't really surprised. "Why?"

Kaif shrugged. "I want to stalk your job from time to time."

I laughed. "You're so dumb." I started the engine. "Put on your seat belt."

Kaif winked. "Aye Aye Captain."


My first day wasn't so bad. I kind of loved it. Serving coffee and reading books all day was honestly amazing. The only bad thing was how annoying Kaif was! He kept coming to me and talking when my boss was staring right at me.

"I could have lost my job because of you." I muttered as I grabbed my keys. I wondered why he even stayed for my shift.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay!" He rolled his eyes. "Plus it was kind of funny how flustered you would get when you saw me coming." He laughed and I scowled.

"So funny." I mocked.

"Where are you heading to now?" Kaif asked as we got in the car.

"The strip club." I started the engine.

Kaif gasped aloud. "Diana what-"

"Home!" I glared at him. "Obviously!"


I swung the door open of my front door. I was tired and could not believe that this job was actually tiring the first day.

"Momma!" I shouted, taking off my shoes. "I hate working!" I threw my jacket on the floor. "I wanna cry!" I started to run towards the stairs so I just drown in my bed for the rest of the day but a heard someone's voice clearing.

I froze.

There in the living room sat Sameer looking like a sin. He ditched his usual dressy wear and today was only in sweats and a sweatshirt. All in black and his dark hair disheveled. He had eye bags and he wore a very unbothered face.

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