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All the words

you said.

Still ring around

in my head.


"Where is the food?" Malak frowned as me and Sameer walked in empty handed.

I looked at her sheepishly. "I actually don't have it."

Amir peered in from the kitchen. He was snacking on some strawberries. "What?" He looked at Sameer. "You guys took forever, why is there no-"

"I got into an argument with the staff." Sameer quickly interjected.

I looked at him. I guess it was better to not tell what had actually happened. No one even knew who Kayden was anyways or what problems I have caused. It honestly felt a little warming seeing Sameer lie for my sake.

Amir rolled his eyes. "Great." He turned to Malak. "I don't know why we sent the hothead to get our food."

"I should have gone with Diana." He muttered from the couch as he played on his iphone.

Sameer's jaw twitched slightly and I caught his eyes grow darker. He looked right at me and I quickly looked away, heart fluttering rapidly.

Was Sameer jealous of Kaif. Or did he not like him? Why? It would be weird to not like your best friends little brother, no?

"It's okay guys." I called, trying to cool the hostile environment. Everyone was hungry and mad. "Let's just order in some pizza and call it a day."

Amir stepped closer to Sameer. "Oh my god is your lip busted?" His eyes widened as he drew back. "Did you actually fight the staff?"

Sameer sighed. "I'm going to head home." There was an obvious underlying of annoyance in his tone.

My heart dropped.

Sameer fished for his keys out of his pocket and walked right past me to the door. I could smell his warm cologne as he zipped by and my chest constricted.

I fought the urge to turn around and look at him one last time. I fought the urge to grab him back and tell him to stay.

My stomach only sank when I heard the door shut.

"So he just left after that?" Wazirah asked as she watched me work from behind the bakery display. When she found out I got a job she had rushed over to "watch me make money". Wazirah was so excited that I got a job and loved the atmosphere that she decided she'd come everyday to visit me.

I originally laughed at her but in honesty, I was very happy that she was so supportive.

"Yes." I sighed. "I was so annoyed." I wiped the counter aggressively as I spoke. "I don't understand what I'm doing wrong."

Wazirah took a sip of her hot latte. "It's probably not you."

I stopped and looked at her. I must have looked frazzled because she started to grin as she watched me.

I continued. "It's like one step forward and two fat steps back." I huffed. "And the worst part is that he says things that mess with my head!"

Wazirah's brows shot up. "What did he say?"

I suddenly felt hot. "Nothing." I muttered and started wiping again.

Wazirah giggled. "He's such a playboy!"

"You think so?" I licked my lips. "I really want to unlike him." I started to neatly stack the coffee cups. "It would make a lot of things easier."

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