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Hey guys! Thank you for reading! Remember to vote and comment .

What do you guys think of Sameer and Diana so far?

If I'm so easy to forget,

Why do you look at me, taking notes of my features?

Why do you make it so hard when you
Can easily walk into my arms?


As soon as I left the financial office I grabbed my phone frantically and dialed Wazirah.

As soon as she picked up I started my sentence. I didn't wait for her hello. "Someone paid for it!" I blurted out loud. A few students nearby turned to look at me.

"Paid for what?" She mumbled. She was still sleepy. I forgot it was still eight in the morning.

"My college!" I screamed. I wasn't sure if I was excited. I felt like throwing up.

"What!" Wazirah screamed back. "Do you know who it is?!"

I took a deep breath. "No." I looked at my feet. "It was such a large sum! It must be someone who's loaded."

"Diana!" She exclaimed. "It's freaking Kaif!!"

My head snapped up. "Kaif!?"

"Yes dumbass!" She sighed. "He only told you last night he was gonna pay but then Sameer ruined it by telling you to get a job!"

The memory of last night came back to clear view. I cringed. "You think so? Kaif?"

"Who else!" She yelled. "It's gotta be him."

I smacked my forehead. "This is so embarrassing." I groaned. "How will I ever pay him back."

"By marrying him." Wazirah laughed.

"It's not funny!" I rolled my eyes and hung up.

Wazirah quickly sent me a text :

It's hilarious!


I didn't know how I was ever going to see Kaifs face. Of course he wasn't going to tell me it was him because he knows I'll make him take it back even though I'm pretty sure it was non refundable.

I felt horrible.

"Hey." Kayden from my literature class sat next to me in the library. I was quite surprised. His blonde freckles matched his blonde hair that was messily combed. His blue eyes were clear and fresh like the ocean.

"Hi?" I said. It might have come off rude but I wasn't too familiar with this guy.

"Do you know what page we are on in class?" He casually asked and I looked at him suspiciously.

"It's on the announcements page." I quickly say and get up. Never had a boy say that close to me so it was very uncomfortable.

He was about to say something but I quickly walked away.


"Sup lady!" Kaif waved at me as I entered the restaurant.

Wow he was so casual. Was he this good at keeping a secret. As if it wasn't him who paid the rest of my college off!

Kaif sat with everyone else at the large table. As I got closer I realized Sameer was there.

My hunger faded and butterflies mixed with confusion hit me.

When we met my eyes my smile disappeared and as for him he wasn't smiling at all.

"Sit here." Kaif patted the chair next to him. I sat next to him, in between him and my older sister.

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