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I felt hurt.

That he didn't really care.

Or maybe he did,

and couldn't show it.


"So yeah," Amir's younger brother Kaif finished speaking. Ever since Amir and Malak got married I've literally seen him almost everyday. He's just a year older than me but he was already set for life with riches just like Amir.

"So you're not going to school anymore?" I asked him as I read my literature class book. I'm not sure why Kaif was here at Choji's cafe. I came here to study and read when the house gets too quite.

"Nope." He chuckled. "My dad just told me to work instead."

I looked at him. "You don't have dreams for yourself though?"

His smile disappeared. "I mean, even if I did, I couldn't be able to run the business and also chase what my dreams are."

"Oh." I say looking at the bottom of my coffee cup. "Well I hope you get what you dream for."

He smiles again and grabs my cup. "I'll go refill."

Kaif was really nice and thats basically why I still see him around a lot. Also because when Amir is here he's here too for some weird reason. Id think he has way more job errands to run than to come to Choji's cafe to hang out.

As soon as he returned with a full cup of coffee, I heard the cafe door chime. I looked up to see Sameer walk in. I immediately choked on the coffee I was sipping on.

Sameer was dressed in an a black slim fitted suit and messy hair that made my heart flutter. He looked like he stepped out of a magazine cover.

"Oh look Sameer's here." Kaif commented.

Oh, I can tell. I say in my head.

I watched as he spoke with choji and then grabbed a cup of coffee. As he too a sip, his eyes glazed the entire bustling cafe and his eyes landed on my table which was scattered with books. He looked over me and Kaif and then suddenly met my eyes. His eyes hid his feelings well but mine didn't. He could probably see how nervous I was.

He then quickly tore away from my gaze and then said his goodbyes to Choji. He grabbed his keys and was out the door before I knew it.

I sighed and closed the book that was in my lap.

"What's wrong?" Kaif asked and I just put my head down.

"Nothing." I mumbled.


I stared at the little teddy bear Sameer had won for me a while back when I was stuck with him in helping Amir and Malak mend their relationship.

He had tried multiple times to get it and thats when I finally fell heads over heels in love with him. Except I'm not sure if I took his actions the wrong way. I could have sworn he had looked at me with eyes full of wanting me then suddenly those looks dissipated.

I flipped myself around in my bed. I wish I knew what in the world was going on inside his mind.


"Hi, I heard you guys are looking for someone to work part time?" I looked up at the manager who was probably seven feet tall. I acted casually but I had been desperately stalking them on facebook waiting for them to have an open position.

"Sorry," He frowned, "We just hired someone recently." He said.

I glared at him. Then why is there still an ad online? "Okay. Thanks anyways."

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