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in a twist of fate
i found you

There was nothing to do or say after Henry's confession.

We just sat in a circle of silence until finally Sameer cleared his throat and offered to take me home.

Wazirah quickly left before I had a chance to ask her how she was going to get home.

"So Henry and Wazirah?" Sameer said, pulling me out of my thoughts. He had been driving silently and I was staring out the window, watching the world blur.

I cleared my throat. "Unexpected."

I hear Sameer chuckle softly. "Indeed."

He made a swift turn and soon we were near my home. I was ready to run and make sense of what just happened. I wanted to also speed dial Wazirah and talk all night.

We pulled up to my driveway and I hurriedly grabbed my purse and opened the door. "Oh thanks for the ride."

Sameer must have said something but I already closed the door and rushing inside the house. I did not think I could handle a minute of silence with him just in case he said something I wouldn't want to hear.


Wazirah really didn't have much to say. She was just as dumbfounded as I was.

"And he had the audacity to embarrass me in front of everyone." She paced across the room as I lay on my bed. "Who does that?" She waved around her arms in frustration.

"Henry." I muttered. "Only he would."

Wazirah groaned. "Now I feel attacked."

I laughed at her dramatic conclusion. "You need to relax. Henry is not creepy at all. If you don't feel the same he's not a going to stalk you."

Wazirah rolled her eyes. "Well I mean that I can't come with you to events because  he'll be everywhere."

I threw a pillow at her. "When has a man stopped you from attending parties?"

Wazirah laughed. "You're right. I'm over my own head."

I raised a brow at her. "That is unless you have feelings for Henry too?"

Her cheeks suddenly grew pink. "I'd rather jump off the empire state building."

I side-eyed her. Her sudden exasperation caught  me  off guard. "Interesting..."

She threw the pillow back at me.


After spending the entire day with Wazirah and quickly developing a massive headache, I desperately was rushing to get home.

I don't think I have heard Henry's name repeated so many times in such a short period. I highly doubt that Wazirah had no interest in him at all.


I pushed the door open and my mom quickly met me. The house looked neat and it smelled of cleaning products and candles.

"What's going on?" I ask my mom with a hushed tone.

She waved me over with glee dancing in her eyes. "Someone's here to see you."

My stomach started to twist and turn. "Who?"

Before I could answer I rounded up the corner and found Sameer sitting on the couch he's sat at various of times.

My heart began to pound nervously in my chest. I'm sure my face was not hiding my confused feelings.

As soon as Sameer saw me he quickly stood up. He was in an all black suit. His silver watch glistened from under his black cuff. His dark hair was romantically swept back giving way to more of his sharp features. In one of his arms was a large bouquet of roses that he was struggling to really hold with one arm.  He cleared his throat and his dark eyes met mine.

"Diana." He said, acknowledging me. His voice was a bit strained as if he was nervous. "You look nice today." He said as he kept his eyes on mine.

My hands started to sweat. "Oh thank you." I cleared my throat. "You look great as well."

"Diana you should really sit next to him. I think he can hardly hear you from here." My mom interjected.

I would turn around and glare at her but clearly Sameer was watching me. "Right." I muttered and walked slowly to sit down on the couch adjacent to his.

Sameer sat down. His eyes measured the space between us which was almost a whole couch. His eyes flashed with something I could not comprehend. Then, all of a sudden he got up and sat right next to me.

I panicked and my posture turned stick straight. I looked at my mom pleadingly but she just had a jolly look to her face. "I'll bring the tea!" She called and ran into the kitchen. I looked at where she was standing in disbelief. I could not come to the conclusion of what they were both doing.

"Your flowers." Sameer said from beside me and I turned to look at him. My eyes narrowed but I grabbed the bouquet anyways.

"What's going on?" I whispered to Sameer.

Sameer belted out a hearty laugh. "You truly don't know?"

I shook my head. I didn't want to come to my own conclusion because every time I did I was wrong. The flowers in my hands were getting heavier.

"I came here to propose to you."


Hey y'all,,, miss me? I'm so sorry I've been going through it. Life is just kicking my ass. Thank you for the support though. If you guys love this book check out the others as well! His Broken Soul is published (in case y'all didn't know)!

so tell me what you think of this chapter!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19 ⏰

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