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If I was your girl

I would mend all your pieces

and pick up the sharpest of your glass

that has been chipped off of you

I would heal your wounds...

Me and Sameer didn't speak for a week.

He could have made out with Elina for all I know because I remember just storming out of his condo. I even forgot Malaks stuff in his house and had to lie to her that I accidentally lost the package.

She asked how I could lose such a fat package and I said 'Well I tripped and it fell three flights down'. Which honestly seems reasonable until she asked me why I didn't pick it up.

I wanted to strangle her.

So yeah, the package is probably sitting perfectly in Sameer's condo looking really cute. I'm not sure if Sameer threw it out. I think it would make sense to.

I didn't bother asking him.


Wazirah sighed as she sat slumped against my bed. I was laying on the floor besides her studying for an exam that's literally tomorrow. I stopped writing. "What's wrong?"

She turned the vogue issue around and showed me a picture of Gigi Hadid looking very fierce. "Look at the bag she's holding." She groaned and I rolled my eyes.

"And here I thought you had something important to say."

She snorted. "I always have something important to say." She then closed the magazine. "You're boring."

I sighed and closed my book. "Let's go buy some snacks."

When me and Wazirah came back, our mouths hung open.

Malak, Sameer, Amir, and Kaif we're all sitting down in the living room floor. To make matters worse Elina and her sister were there too.

Me and Wazirah turned to each other, eyes wide. Clearly nobody knew they were throwing a party at my house.

I waved the big bag of chips around and finally got their attention. "What is going on here?" I tried to avoid Sameers eyes that warmed me up without warning.

"Don't worry my mom is okay with it." Malak called from the floor as she sat shuffling cards.

I frowned. It wasn't even her house anymore.

Wazirah looked at me. "We can still go upstairs and you can finish your test?"

I scanned the room again with my eyes and again Sameer's eyes bore into mine. He sat just between Elina and Amir. Of course. I almost rolled my eyes.

"Sure." I nod and look away from all of them. It didn't help that my heart was still beating rapidly at the sight of Sameer.

Wazirah grabbed my arm and started leading me up the steps when Kaif shouted. "Where you going ladies?" He patted the space next to him on the carpet. "Come sit down even for a few rounds."

Wazirah's eye twitched as we stopped.

"Come on guys! One game!" Malak shouted as well. "You should take a break from your studying."

I rubbed my eyes. "Okay just one."


There I sat, smothered between Wazirah and Kaif, feeling pretty horrible about my decision because now I was directly in front of Sameer.

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