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You were everything to me
and dammit you still are

I backtracked. "Hold on." I folded my arms against my chest just like he did, trying to sound smug like him. "What are you doing here? In my house?"

I don't remember my mom and him being very close. It was odd to see him just standing in my kitchen. A place he rarely visited let alone stood in.

Sameer's grin only grew wider. "Your mom called me over to help her pick up some heavy stuff." He shrugged casually. "You know, me being strong and all."

I rolled my eyes but I could feel the heat creep up my face. "Really? My mom has your number now?" I tried to sound as condescending as him.

He pushed off the counter and dropped his arms. "Exactly, we're practically besties." He smiled now, flashing his white pearly teeth.

I narrowed my eyes. "Huh."

He stalked over to me, his dark eyes staring right into mine. "Why?" He towered over me. "Does it bother you that I'm here?"

I blinked. There was definitely a difference that had occurred to Sameer. Did he hit his head on the way here? The Sameer I knew wouldn't even speak to me this much. Nor would he be so at ease with me. The old Sameer barely showed the slightest interest.

"No." I managed to say, tilting my head back and meeting his challenging stare. "I just mean that it's kind of weird-"

"Diana?" My mom called from behind me and I immediately stepped back from Sameer. I didn't realised just how close we were.

I spun around. "Hi mom." I said sheepishly even through there was nothing to be embarrassed about. "What's going on with the kitchen?"

My mom smiled. "Nothing. I just needed some help and thankfully Sameer was just a call away."

I frowned. "You could have called me."

I heard Sameer stifle a chuckle from behind me and I resisted the urge to turn around and glare at him.

My mom waved me off. "You're just a small as me. How was that going to work?" Then she just casted my aside to speak to Sameer.

"Thank you young man. You have been a great help." She smiled at him and then started to take pots off the stove. "Would you like to eat before you go?"

Sameer grabbed his jacket and started to pluck out his keys. "It's no problem at all." He held his keys up.  "I would love to stay," His eyes briefly flicked over to me which caused a jolt to run through me. "But i've got to head out. My father has a meeting that I have to attend."

My mom nodded apprehensively. Did she want him to stay?!


"Henry!!" Malak practically screamed and ran over to him as soon as he entered the Malaks condo door. Everyone has gathered here to see welcome him back. Well not everyone. Kaif and Sameer were no where to be seen so it was just me, Malak, and Amir who was awkwardly standing in the corner of the kitchen with his oven mittens still on.

Henry smiled widely. "I would love to give you a giant hug but your husband is glaring at me like a grizzly."

Amir rolled his eyes and proceeded to walk over. "It's a pleasure to finally see you after a long time buddy." He patted Henry's back with a smile.

Henry laughed and ended up giving him a tight hug. "You're still as skinny as I remember you."

Amir scowled. "I have a gym membership you know!"

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