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this is very sad angst :((((
so be prepared
you're gonna cry ur eyeballs out
just don't forget to put em back inside

Kokichi and Shuichi were sitting in Shuichi's mercedes benz 11037 car.

Kokichi: "you have beautiful eyes, Shumai... yellow... just like piss *^*"

Shuichi: "s-s-s-s-s-stoooop you're making me b-b-b-blushhhh."
*alpha werewolf vampire demon king hybrid mode*
"say you are my baka [proud]" (dang why doesn't it work on Wattpad??)

Kokichi: "I-I-I-I-I-I'm your b-b-bahkah d-dwaddwy uwu"

They were coming closer
slowly connecting their lips
a truck rammed into the car lmao

next morning

Kokichi woke up to bright light shining direktly onto his face
then he remembered...

nurse: "I'm very sorry your friend doesn't remember anything, he broke 69 bones, lost all his limbs, his pp was stuck in the seatbelt or something and got ripped off, he also has a brain tumor and cancer stage 4."

Kokichi was very brocken and deepwest and sad and sussy baka so he committed mass murder in the hospital and became invisible just like a silly little baka [proud] (I WANT IT TO WORKKK)

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