Shuichi x Kaede

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Kaede was walking to Shuichi's room cuz she was horneyeyey. She knocked and Saihara opened the door kinda pissed.
"H-hi Kaede what's up?" Shuichi asked. He was clearly uncomfortable. Saihara knew that she had a crush on him but he was very gay for Cockitchy Hoema.
"I just wanted to show you something in my room~" Kaedead flirted.
"Ahah... uh... I can't right now uhm-"
But then he was saved by his boifwend.
"Shuichi baby come back~" Kokichi called for him.
"Well sry my boifwend NEEDS ME right now" he slammed the door shut and locked it with 69 locks.

I'll try to really write about Saimatsu sometime 😔🤚

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