Chapter 10 |Anoa'i Family Reunion|

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I've been talking to my mother and Solange about Joe and they're dying to meet him. I've also kept in touch with Kelly and Daniel, too. I was so nervous to meet Joe's family especially since Joe has a big family. Lately, I've been acting weird. I'm starting to sleep a lot, have weird cravings, mood swings, and my period is a couple of days late. So I went and bought two pregnancy tests at the store near my condo before I came to Florida. I figured I should give it one more day before I take them. If I don't get my period tomorrow, then I'll probably take them. Joe and I were driving to his parents house and I was so nervous.

"You alright, baby girl?," he asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I lied. Joe gave me a "I know you're lying face" for a couple of seconds and turned his attention back on the road and I sighed in defeat.

"I'm scared, okay, Joseph. I'm scared that things won't go the way you think they will go. But instead of running, I'm willing to do this because I love you and I want to meet them and for them to approve of me but at the same time I'm terrified," I admitted. I've been holding this feeling in for weeks since Joe told me about the reunion and it felt better to finally let it all out and be honest with him. Joe interwind our fingers together and kissed the back of my hand.

"I know you're scared, baby girl, but I promise you everything is going to be okay. Alright?" I nodded and smiled a little bit. He kissed the back of my hand.

"I love you," he said.

"I love you, too." Soon we pulled up to a big family house and it looked absolutely beautiful. I was in awe.

"This is your parents house?," I asked, still eyeing the house up and down.

"Yeah, this is the house that I grew up in and it still looks like it's new."

"Wow." Joe and I got out of the car and the closer we got towards the house, the more I became nervous. Then we got to the door and he rang the doorbell. I heard footsteps coming from the other side of the door. My heart was beating fast and then the door opened. An older woman with blonde hair and glasses opened the door and I assume she was his mother.

"Joseph!," she said, reaching to hug him.

"Hey mom," he said, hugging her.

"How is my youngest baby doing?"

"I'm doing good and mom this my girlfriend, Beyoncé. Beyoncé, this is my mother." he said, introducing us.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Anoa'i," I said, attempting to shake her hand. But instead of shaking my hand, she gave me a hug.

"We don't shake hands in this family and call me Patricia," she said, smiling.

"Ok," I said, smiling back.

She let us inside of the house and we saw a lot of people. I took my jacket off and Joseph took my jacket and hung it on the coat rack and put his jacket over mine.

"Where's Joelle?," he asked.

"She's in the backyard playing with the rest of the kids. Go introduce Beyoncé to the rest of the family while I go get her," she told him.

Joseph introduced to me to a lot of family members like his older brother, Matt, his sisters, Summer, Myritza, and Vanessa, Rikishi, the Usos and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. Each time Joe would introduce me to a family member, they would look at me with a welcoming smile and tell him they know who I already was and made great conversation with each other.

"Daddy!" I turned around and saw a little girl running to Joe. He smiled and bent down with open arms. As soon as she was in his arms, he picked her up and hugged her.

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