Chapter 33 |The Queen Is Back!|

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Lately I've been thinking about the conversation I had with Trinity and I have been thing about performing again. It's actually been a year since I performed and I feel like I'm not ready to give that up yet. It's been six months since I gave birth and I feel like it's time for me to go back on stage and do what I love to do. I'm scheduled to perform live at Revel in Atlantic City. My first performance since I gave birth. I haven't told Joe that I scheduled to perform because I know he's gonna give me a lecture on how I just gave birth, that I shouldn't rush and just wait a little longer. Literally, he would.

I just came home from my first rehearsal and it's exhausting just like I remember. I quietly entered the house knowing that Joe was home with the baby. If he saw me, he would've asked where I have been and 20 other questions. I looked around the house and saw that he was in the kitchen cooking. Then I began to tiptoe up the stairs.

"Hey baby. Where you been?," he asked, without looking at me.

"Shit!," I mouthed, quietly. How in the hell did he know I was here? I walked down the stairs and went into the kitchen.

"Hey baby. I just came from the gym working out," I lied. He turned around and I saw a smirk.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. Why'd you ask?," I asked, nervously.

"Well because usually you're at the gym for an hour or two and you've been out for nearly six hours today." Damn it, Joe. Since he knows the different times of when I come home, I might as well tell him. I sighed and walked into the kitchen and sat on the island.

"Ok, you're gonna be mad but I scheduled to perform live in Atlantic City at the Revel Resort," I told him. Joe sighed in frustration.

"Babe, how come you didn't tell me this?," he asked, with a little frustration in his voice.

"I was skeptical to tell you because if I did, you would've disagreed and say I'm not ready to perform."

"You damn skippy. I'm your husband," he said back.

"You're my husband not my father, Joe," I said, getting off the island and walking out of the kitchen and upstairs to our bedroom with Joe on my tail.

"Beyoncé, you just had a baby six months ago and you wanna rush back into the music business?"

"Joe, I'm not gonna argue with you, okay? If I feel like I'm ready to get back to business then that's how I feel. Can't you just support me on this and respect my decision?," I asked.

"Alright I'll respect your decision. Are you happy now?," Joe replied, sarcastically. Then he walked out of the room. I flopped myself on the bed and sighed. Now Joe was mad at me. I don't know what else to do at this point.

When Joe finished dinner, I decided to eat with him but it was really awkward though. After dinner, I took a shower and got into bed with Joe with his back facing me. He never had his back facing me in bed. He must be really mad at me but I don't blame him. I put my arm around Joe's waist and kissed his back.

"Baby?" He sighed and stirred a little.

"What is it, baby girl?"

"I just wanna say I'm sorry for going behind your back and scheduling a performance without talking to you."

"It's your body. You have your own mindset and you can do whatever you want. No need to apologize to me. My upmost opinion doesn't matter to you anyway." I sighed.

"That's not true. Joe, can you just turn around and talk to me please?" Joe slowly turned around and faced me.

"Beyoncé, how would you feel if this was vice versa? If I was being stubborn and returned to the ring early after having an injury without your consent?"

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