Chapter 3 |Meet Again|

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Today was a tiring day. I was rehearsing Single Ladies and Sweet Dreams all day because the Vmas are coming up in less than two days and as everyone knows, I'm a workaholic. I don't believe in no. I don't believe I need to sleep because if I'm not sleeping, nobody's sleeping. I work hard until my feet bleed and put my all into my performances because I'm so grateful to be doing what I love for so long.

I said good bye to my dancers, and my band and walked out of the studio and towards my car. I unlock my car and get inside. As I was about to start my car, my phone rings. I look at my phone and thankfully it's not Jay, it's Daniel. I press the green button on my iPhone.

"Hello Daniel," I said, leaning back into the driver's seat.

"Well hello to you too, girly. You sound tired," he replied back.

"That's because I am," I told him, playfully rolling my eyes.

"Aww well that's too bad because you, me, and Kelly are going to a WWE event tonight at 8 so get ready before 7:30 because it's going to be packed."

"Daniel, I'm tired. I've been rehearsing at the studio all day for my performance for the VMAS," I told him.

"Well your still going because it's 6:00 so you have enough time to have a little cat nap, so don't argue with me girl." I sighed closing my eyes, and laying my head back. I just wanted to get home and go to sleep.

"Ok, I'll go," I said in defeat.

"Ok, I'll see to you later," He said, before I hung up the phone. After I got off the phone with Daniel, I didn't hesitate to start my car and drive home. As soon as I got home, I kicked my shoes off, threw my keys on my dresser and my jacket on the floor and fell on the bed. I looked at the time on my phone and it was 6:15. I put my alarm clock on and went to sleep.....


I got out of bed, went into the bathroom, and turned on the shower. I got undressed and got into the shower. As soon as I was done showering, I grabbed a towel, wrapped it around me, and walked out the bathroom. I dried myself off and got dressed in Rock and Republic denim cut off shorts + a gray shirt + Christian Louboutin shoes. I looked at the time and it was 7:20. My phone had rang and I grabbed it and that it was Daniel and I answered it.


"Bey, are you ready?," He asked.

"Yeah," I said back.

"Good because I'm outside your house right now. Come on let's go."

"Alright alright, don't rush me. I'm coming down," I told him, before hanging up. I grabbed my purse, my phone, and my keys and walked out the door. I walked towards Daniel car and got in the back seat.

"Hey Bey," Kelly said.

"Hey Kelly," I said back.

"He forced you to come too didn't he?"

"Yup," I answered, with a smile on my face.

"Listen I forced the two of you to come because I love you guys. Who wouldn't want to see a bunch of hot men wrestling each other with no shirt on?," he asked.

Kelly and I stayed silent. I mean I am single now so I have nothing to be ashamed of.

"That's what the fuck I thought," He finally said.

"Shut up Daniel. So are you ready for the VMAS?," Kelly said, changing the subject.

"Yeah, but I'm nervous though," I told her.

"Beyoncé, you kill it in every performance that you do. Why do you think everyone calls you, "Queen Bey?" You'll do great," she told me. The only reason why I get nervous before a performance is because you never know what might happen. A lot of things can happen. You can accidentally slip or fall off stage, or have a wardrobe malfunction.

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