Chapter 16 |Confirmation|

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"Miss me?"

"Does it look like I miss you in any shape or form?," I thought.

My nightmare continues....

"I'll leave you two birds to it," my father said. My father opened the door and walked out of the room.

"Well, you look beautiful and sexy," Jay said.

"What do you want, Shawn?," I asked, annoyed.

"Whoa! Is that anyway to welcome a guest star on your tour?," he asked.

"I guess you convinced my father to get on this tour with me so you could try to win me back huh?"

"Well I didn't have to convince him. He actually came up with the idea and as you can see, I agreed without hesitation."

"We all know you're not here to just finish this tour with me. Why won't you leave me alone and move on with someone else?"

"Because there is no else. Don't you see I wanna make things right between you and me and fully commit myself to you."

"When I fully committed myself to you, it wasn't enough and you know what? I'm glad you did what you did because I wouldn't be as happy with someone else as I am now. You don't fully commit yourself to a woman that's with someone else."

"What do you see in that punk that you don't see in me?," he asked, getting irritated. I looked at him with a calm expression.

"Everything," I said softly. Then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," I said. A guy with a clipboard and a head set with a little microphone in front of his mouth came in.

"Miss Knowles, you're on in ten" he told me.

"Ok, thanks." The guy walked out and closed the door behind him. I got up from my chair and walked over to the door and turned around.

"Just so you're clear, until this tour is over, you're just a business associate. Don't try any funny business with me. My man is a phone call away and will be on every tour date if he has to," I told Jay. Then I opened the door.

"You can let yourself out," I finished. Jay walked out of the room. I knew he was angry and I didn't care. I decided to keep my engagement a secret from Jay and my father until I confirm my relationship with Joe. I told my mother and my sister not to say anything to him because the only way he's gonna find out is when I do it on national television. The MTV EMA Awards in Berlin was a couple of months away so I figured that would be the perfect time to tell the whole world.

I looked at myself in the mirror one last time and then walked out of the dressing room. As I was walking through the halls, I saw my dancers and my band. We all gathered in a circle and prayed that this performance would be a success. Soon it was time for us to go on stage and perform. I went on stage and did what I was born to do.


After my concert, I got dressed in some street clothes and got ready to catch a private jet. As I was making my way through the halls, I was praying that I didn't see my father or Jay which I didn't. I walked out of the building without seeing any of them but was hoping and praying that I didn't see them on my jet. I'm so furious with my father right now to the point that I'm gonna take his head off. Missing my birthday was enough and now him featuring Jay into MY tour until it was officially over just crossed the mother fucking line. I know if I talk to either one of them, I feel like out of 1 to 10 my blood pressure is going to a million.

About twenty minutes later, I arrived at the airport. I got out of the car and got on the private jet. Thank goodness my father and Jay weren't on it. A couple minutes, I felt the jet moving and getting off of the ground. I need to call Joe. I never kept anything from him and I'm not starting now. We're getting married soon and our relationship is about honesty and trust just like any other relationship. I took my phone out and called Joe's phone. On the third ring, he answered.

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