Chapter 29 |Closer to Motherhood|

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8 1/2 Months Pregnant

The baby is coming in three weeks. I feel anxious. These last three weeks are my last weeks responsible for myself. So I'm trying my best to take care of my child-like self and enjoy my freedom I guess for the last three weeks. This is gonna be nothing in comparison to having a child.

I began reading books on pumping and breast feeding, changing diapers etc. Joe is almost done with the baby's room. He told me not to go into the room until it's officially done. I tried sneaking into the room whenever Joe wasn't home, but he locks the door. He knows me so well. I'm waiting for him to forget to lock the door so I could see what it looks like. Joe has been on the road for a total of four weeks and he's finally home. I am horny as hell and having sex while JoJo and my mother was here was gonna be weird. The hormones are getting to me. JoBug is definitely astatic that she's gonna be a big sister. She kept asking Joe and I what the sex of the baby is gonna be and what we would name the baby. She's really excited. My mother filed for divorce and she's waiting for my father to sign the papers so that the divorce can be final. I spent a lot of time with Joe, JoBug and my mother today and we had fun like a normal family.

I was gonna help my mother make dinner but she told me I shouldn't be on my feet too long and that I should relax. Joe and my mother irk my soul with their overprotectiveness but I love them. JoJo was in her room watching tv and I decided to join her. After a while, I went downstairs to see that the food was done.

I decided to take a year off from my job because I'm bringing a child into the world and I wanted to do things I never got to do and spend more time with my family so I began to live my life by going and seeing great places, eating different foods, and meeting different and wonderful people around the world.

My mom made her famous soul food. Fried chicken, yams, macaroni and cheese, and collard greens. I called JoJo downstairs and told her that dinner was ready and she instantly ran into the kitchen. I went upstairs to our bedroom and saw Joe was on his computer on Twitter. Him and Solange need to stop with this Twitter. I heard it is addictive.

"Baby?" Joe didn't answer, he was too into his computer.

"Joe," I shouted. He jumped up almost knocking his laptop over.

"Damn, Beyoncé. What the hell?" I laughed at his reaction.

"I was trying to get your attention but you're too into Twitter on your laptop." He shook his head.

"I'm sorry, baby. You need something?"

"Well I came to tell you that mama is cooking her famous soul food and--" He tossed his lap top almost at the end of the bed and nearly ran out of the room until he tripped on some stuff on the floor. I laughed so hard and he instantly got right back up and ran out of the room and downstairs into the kitchen. I smiled and shook my head. Like father like daughter, right? I walked downstairs to Joe making plates for everyone. He probably offered as usual. After Joe made the plates and handed out the drinks, we sat at the table and began to eat our food.

"Mama Tina, this food is delicious. You definitely have to teach me how to cook this type of food," Joe said.

"Well, I'm glad you like it and I'll teach you anytime."

"She always put her feet in this food. I haven't had soul food in so long. It's delicious mama," I said.

"Thank you," she said. We looked at JoJo and she was enjoying her the way she was eating it. I guess she noticed all three of us were watching her eat. She slowly looked up at us with food on her face.

"What? Can a girl be grateful she has food on the table?" We all looked at her in shock and laughed. This little girl was growing on me. Then the doorbell rang. That's weird. Who would be at our door at this time of night?

"I'll get it," Joe said, getting up from the table. We continued to eat our food until I noticed that Joe was taking a little too long at the door.

"Joe?," I called. No answer. I heard two voices that seem like they were arguing. I went to see who was at the door and it was none other than the devil himself. My father. How in the hell did he know where I live?

"Dad, what the hell are you doing here?," I asked, with venom in my voice.

"Where is your mother?,"he asked, completely ignoring my question.

"The question was what in the hell are you doing here and how did you know where I live?"

"I have my ways. Your mother wasn't with Solange so I figured she'd with you and found out your address." This man disgusts me. My mom soon came to the door.

"Mathew, what are you doing here?"

"I came here to say I'm sorry for what I've done and I want my wife back. I want my family back." I rolled my eyes. Pshh. Oh please. Tell it to someone who gives a damn.

"I think you should focus on signing the papers so this divorce can be final," my mother said.

"I'm not signing those papers, Tina. I wanna make this work."

"I specifically told you that if you were the father of that baby, I was gonna file for a divorce. The tests came back positive and I'm sticking to my word... I realized that I don't have to be with you to be happy. I deserve so much better. I may never know why you did what you did but I do know that things happen for a reason and this is one of them. Now get off my daughter and son-in-law's doorstep before I kick you where the sun don't shine." Then my mother went in front Joe and slammed the door in my father's face and locked the door. I was so proud of my mother. Even though this was hard for my mother, she did what she had to do in order to move on and be happy. We both hugged her. All three of us went back to the table to eat only to see that JoJo not only ate all of her food was but was sneaking four pieces of chicken, macaroni and cheese, collard greens on her plate. She slowly turned around and saw us. Joe and I shook our heads and we're waiting for her explanation.

"Um, uh. It's not what it looks like," she retorted, causing us to laugh. I seriously love this child. After we were all eating, we all said goodnight to each other and began to get ready for bed. Joe and I went upstairs to our bedroom and got ready for bed. Joe insisted that I sleep in only my bra and underwear. I felt uneasy because I was still insecure with my body and I kept thinking to myself how can he love me even if I'm fat? I laid on the bed with Joe in only my bra and underwear and he began to touch my belly.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah anything," Joe said.

"How are you still attracted to a fat pig like me?," I asked.

"Baby, you're not fat. You're pregnant with my baby. You still look beautiful and sexy. You have that pregnancy glow," he said.

"I would get you pregnant and take you anywhere and how you want it," he finished.

"How about you show me how you're gonna take do that," I said. Then Joe kissed me and we began to make love nearly all night. He was gentle and respected my mind, body, and soul. After making love for hours, Joe held me in his arms and rubbed my belly as I slept. He kissed my head and told me he loved me and then sleep instantly took over me.

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