Chapter 18 |Arrangements|

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Weeks Later

"Joe, did you get your suit yet?," I asked. Joe stayed silent. I rolled my eyes and sighed.


"I'm sorry, baby. I didn't have the time to but I'll go get it today," he said.

"You said that last week," I told him.

"I know but I'm serious this time."


"Promise." Then he kissed me and tried turning it into a make out session.

"Uh no. Go get your suit and maybe we can have a little session. You should've did this a week ago," I told him.

"You should've did this a long time ago," he mumbled.

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing," he retorted. I smiled and gave him a kiss.

"Go get your suit, please," I pleaded, softly.

"Ok. I'm going," he said, giving me another kiss. Then Joe walked out the door. Lately, all I've been focusing on was getting the wedding plans done. My mother is making my wedding dress and JoBug's dress, I ordered the cake, chose my bridesmaids and maid of honor, made invitations, picked the venue and where the wedding will take place. The last thing I want to get done, is asking Sika if he can walk me down the aisle. Obviously my father isn't gonna show up so I want Sika to do the honors of doing what my father should be doing. I got almost everything done and that's the number one thing I'm willing to do. But I figure I talk to Joe about it first. Not only have I been planning the wedding but I have been writing new music to put out a new album next year. I know, I know. I can't be focused on two things at a time especially planning a wedding and writing music at the same time.

I was in me and Joe's room with a notepad and pen on my laptop listening to beats so I could come up with lyrics for the songs I'm writing. I already wrote about four songs already and I know I had to write a lot more. Doing wedding plans and writing music at the same time can be a bitch and stressful. I sighed, paused the music, and took my earphones out. Soon I saw Joe come in the room.

"Hey," he said, getting undressed and putting on a pair of shorts.

"Hey," I said back. Joe joined me in bed and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

"What are you doing?," he asked.

"Just writing music," I told him. He paused.

"And planning the wedding?"
I didn't answer. All I did was give him with a innocent look and he sighed.


"I'm sorry baby, I can't help it. One minute I'm doing wedding stuff and then another minute I'm thinking about finishing writing new music."

"Babe, focus on the wedding right now and then write your music because you're gonna be stressed and then you're gonna turn into a bridezilla." He was right. I should just be focused on the wedding plans and then work on my music. I always have a perfect opportunity to write my music.

"I hate it when you're right," I told him.

"You told me that before."

"I know and I'm gonna continue to tell you that for the rest of my life." I turned off my computer and put my music away. I figure now is the perfect time to tell Joe what I want to do.

"So Joe there is something I want to tell you."

"Go ahead," he told me.

"Since my father isn't gonna show up at our wedding and walk me down the aisle, I want to ask your dad if he can walk me."

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