Chapter 2 |New Beginnings|

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1 Year Later...


My alarm clock goes off indicating that it is 8:30. It feels so lonely to sleep alone. Even though it's been a year for some reason I'm still not used to it. I get out of bed and walk into the bathroom. I turn the shower on, undress myself, and get in the shower and start to wash up.

30 minutes later, I get out the shower, wrap a towel over my body. I brushed my teeth and washed my face and walk back to my bedroom. As soon as I walk into the bedroom, I see that my phone light up indicating that I have a text message. I picked my iPhone up and checked my messages to see it was Jay again.

Jay-Z: Please baby, come back it's been a year and I miss you so much. I love you and I didn't know I had something good until it was gone. I can't just throw away 12 years Bey. I made a big mistake and I'm sorry. I wanna show you how much I love you and need you unless you let me.

I barely spoke to Jay since the night I found out about his infidelity. He wasn't only cheating on me, but was bringing a child into the world with the other woman he was messing around with. If he loved me, he wouldn't have cheated on me. It took me a year just to get over him and learn that I deserve better and that I need to move on with my life.

I deleted the text message and soon got a text from Kelly.

Kelly: Meet me and Daniel at Café Copori <3

Daniel is a friend of Kelly and I and he is interested in men. He makes us laugh when we feel low and down on our worse days. He's more than just a friend, he's more like a brother to me. I texted her back saying okay and got dressed in Antik Batik Djeballah Jacky Dress + Louis Vuitton Spicy leather/suede sandal + Dannijo Ruth Celia necklace. I grabbed my Alexander McQueen Novak bag and walked out the door. As I'm walking to my car, I proceed to text Kelly and tell her I'm on my way until I accidentally bump into a large figure and almost fell to the ground until he grabbed me by my arm.

"Excuse me, are you alright?," he said. I looked up at him and he was 6'3, has tanned skin, grey eyes, long raven hair in a low bun.

"Yeah, yeah it's my fault. I wasn't watching where I was going. Thank you for saving me by the way, sir" I replied with a smile.

"Please, my name is Joseph. Call me Joe."

"I'm --"

"I know who you are. It's nice to meet you, Miss Knowles," he said with a smirk. By now my face had to be the color of a tomato. I never thought another man could make me blush. Joe was freaking hot. Way hotter than Jay to be exact. I love the way his muscles we're attached to his short sleeve shirt, his soft lips, chiseled jaw line, and long black hair.

I realized I was staring too long and saw the paparazzi coming my way.

"I'm sorry I have to go. It was nice meeting you, Joe," I said, hurrying to my car.

"No problem," he yelled.

I hopped into my range rover and pulled off to Café Capori. Nearly the whole car ride, I had this smile on my face and by now my face had to be even more red than it was before. I haven't smiled like this since I left Jay.

As soon as I got there, I instantly spotted Kelly and Daniel. I got out of the car, locked the doors, and headed towards their direction.

"Damn Bey, what took you so long?," Kelly asked.

"I got caught up with something," I told her.

"Nu uh I could see it in your face. You found a man didn't you?" Daniel asked.

"I didn't find a man, Daniel. I accidentally bumped into one though." At this point, I was blushing hard and I couldn't hide it.

"How fine was he?," Daniel asked, without hesitation.

"Yeah girl, give us all the juicy details," Kelly replied. I cleared my throat.

"Well, I was texting you while I was walking to my car then I bumped into the guy and he quickly caught me before I hit the ground---"

"Oooooooo," Kelly and Daniel said, interrupting.

"Guys come on let me finish," I said, wanting to get this over with already.

"Ok, continue," Kelly replied.

"Then," I continued, "he asked me if I was alright and I told him yeah and that I should've looked where I was going and I thanked him for catching me before I fell. Then he told me his name was Joe and before I could tell him my name he said I know who you are. Nice to meet you Miss Knowles."

"And he didn't ask for a autograph or nothing?" I shook my head.

"Did you at least get his digits?" Daniel asked. I laughed.

"No stupid, I didn't. I ran off as soon as the paparazzi were coming after me and in plus I'm not gonna get someone's number when I barely know them," I told him.

"Shit, well you just know how to play with a bitch emotions" he said, putting his hand under his jaw. At this moment, Kelly and I were laughing hard.

"Shut up and let's order our food," Kelly replied. We ordered and ate our food.

"So Jay texted me this morning."

"What he say?," Kelly asked, concerned.

"He was basically begging me to come back home and saying how much he misses me and how he wants to show me how much he loves me. But as I think about the whole situation, if he really loved me he wouldn't have cheated on me." Tears began to spill down my face as Kelly and Daniel began to rub my back to calm me down. I just couldn't hold it in anymore. "I've been nothing but loyal, devoted, and faithful to him. I never looked at another man the way I looked at him. I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with him. 12 years may be a long time, but it's not forever. Did I not make him happy? Was I not good enough for him? Was my love not good for him?"

"Beyoncé don't start blaming yourself because of his actions. When he was with that other woman, he wasn't thinking about you, he was thinking about himself. You need to find someone that won't make the same mistake he made. He doesn't deserve you. You deserve to be happy," Kelly said.

"Yeah, because girl, he looked like he should've starred in Planet of the Apes," Daniel replied, out of nowhere causing Kelly and I to burst out in laughter once again.

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