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Noah woke up the next morning without Ruby by his side. He looked into every corner of the living room and turned out to be completely on his own. Then he saw the front door slightly open. So Ruby went home without waking her up first? Ckk, that girl.

Noah got up from the couch. On the table was still scattered popcorn and half a bottle of orange -flavored drink. He would fill his stomach first before cleaning the house.

Then his cell phone rang. Noah grabbed the cell phone he placed on the living room table and saw Alex's name on its screen.

"Yahh Alex"

"Noah, Violet and I are on our way to your house . I brought a lot of  food for you so you don't have to cook to greet us ."

"Why didn't you tell me from yesterday? It's annoying. Alright, I'll clean my house first before you come and talk to me in various ways."

Alex and his girlfriend, Violet, who is a member of the police are close friends of Noah. Although Noah is not very close to Violet, but Alex always tries to make his best friend close to the lover. Noah likes Violet and he thinks the girl is very good to side with his best friend.

Forgetting for a moment Ruby's unauthorized departure, Noah finally cleaned his house. It tidies up misplaced items and sucks up dust in the living room as well as the living room. Alex and Violet will likely stay, or vice versa. But to get ready, Noah had better keep his house tidy and clean.

By noon, Alex and Violet finally arrived. The journey takes more than 4 hours. It's tiring. But their tiredness is replaced by the very beautiful surrounding scenery and cool air. Alex praised Noah's decision to move to this village.

Violet found Noah's house without difficulty. Because the address is very clear and is near the road. But there was something stuck in her heart. For that, he will keep it until later.

They saw Noah run to the fence and open it. Alex immediately got out of the car even before his lover turned off the vehicle's engine. Alex darted into Noah's arms, and Noah reciprocated equally closely.

"I miss you so much, Noahhh!"

"We've only been apart for two weeks. You're overreacting."

"But you rarely contact me. Have you got my replacement here so you just forgot about me?"

Noah laughed and rubbed Alex's back.

"I miss you too."

Violet waited for the brief reunion with a smile on her beautiful face. Then she circulated her gaze around and felt the awkwardness growing stronger in her heart. She sighed.

"Violett, let's go in. Welcome to my new home!" exclaimed Noah.

"Your house is very nice, Lee Noah. You should really like it," Violet replied.

Then they went into the house together. Alex put boxes of frozen food in the fridge while Noah made drinks for his two guests. Noah took Alex to the living room to meet Violet while bringing the delicious cakes he had prepared.

"I think you'll get lost looking for my house," Noah said.

"As long as there is Violet, we will never get lost," Alex said.

"After all it looks like I know this place," Violet made a startling statement, especially for her lover.

"You know this place? You mean, you've been to Essex village?"

Violet shook her head. "No. I know from my senior."

"What did he tell you about this area, Violet?" Noah asked. It would be weird if senior Violet knew about this small village, unless senior Violet was a former resident of Essex.

"I don't remember. But I don't think it matters," Violet dodged. "Do you like your new place to live, Noah?"

"I really like it," Noah replied without hesitation.

"Of course you like it. A safe and cool environment like this is what you've always wanted. I just hope you're not lonely," Alex interrupted.

Noah remembered Ruby. No, I'm not lonely because Ruby is with me.

"I'm not lonely, Alex. Actually the people around me don't care much about me. I also don't expect anything from them. But there is one person who is very kind to me. This person lives in a house down the road and visits me every day to accompany me. , "said Noah while holding back a smile.

Alex narrowed his eyes.

"Ayee, is that person a man or a woman?"

"Aishh of course women."

Alex chuckled. "You like it. I know that. Your smile is suspicious."

Noah just chuckled as he shook his head.

"Instead of talking about the girl and you're going to tease me, we'd better have lunch. You guys must be hungry," Noah diverted the conversation.

"Alright. I'm really hungry. Come on, honey!" Alex exclaimed then pulled Violet's hand.

"You guys go first. I want to call Dave to remind him about work. I'll follow up after that," Violet said while stroking the back of Alex's hand.

"Ah, you're so sweet. Stop it," Noah sneered and left them both first. Alex laughed at his friend and finally followed him to the kitchen.

Violet was still standing there and pensive. She reached into her jacket pocket and took out her cell phone. According to her words to Alex earlier, she contacted Dave.

"Hello, Dave?"

"Hello, Ma'am!"

"Can you find the criminal case file of five years ago in the filing room?"

"Ready Ma'am ! What file does Ma'am want?"

Violet swallowed her saliva. She's not sure but she  should make sure.

"Murder case in Essex village with suspect Kim julby."

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