What to do if you missed the Rapture(5): Spread the Message of the Kingdom

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Spread the Message of the Kingdom

In thinking about what to do if you miss the Rapture, the overarching theme we should keep in mind is, don't be discouraged. Don't be overwhelmed by what seem to be insurmountable problems. Instead, take the offensive and spread the message of the Kingdom.

If you are reading this after the Rapture of the Church, and have done what we suggested in the first part of these writings, you have joined the group of believers described in the Bible as the Tribulation Saints. You are a creature of special privilege, of special responsibility, but particularly, you are to be a harbinger of the Kingdom.

Remember, Christ predicted that the message of the Kingdom would be brought to the very ends of the earth, and then the end would come:

"And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come" (Matt. 24:14).

Christ was not speaking about the message that the Church would bring to the world before the time of the Rapture. Rather, the message of the Gospel of the Kingdom would become the great word of hope during the Tribulation. If you are reading this beyond the moment of the Rapture, you now have the responsibility and great opportunity of spreading the message of the Kingdom to the world!

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