What to do if you missed the Rapture(7): Be a Witness

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Be a Witness in the Evangelistic Program

One of the truisms of life is that God never does anything apart from a great reason. He has left you in the world, during the Tribulation, for a great reason. You must fulfill the prophecy of Jesus Christ, when He said: "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come" (Matt. 24:14).

Therefore, our second piece of earnest advice to you, having missed the Rapture, but now believing the Gospel of the Kingdom, is to be a witness in the evangelistic program of Jesus Christ. Your ministry may well be the greatest that the world has ever seen, in all of its history.

The Bible says there will be an innumerable company of people who will be saved during the days of the Tribulation. They are to be instruments in the hands of God, that the world may know of Christ and His power to save. You are one of them!

But be forewarned-there will be an alternative evangelistic program conducted during the Tribulation, and that is the program of the Antichrist. The Antichrist will build his global hegemony on two bases. The first one is political-he will be the political master of the world, as we have already discussed. He will organize an economic system that will be really something.

Secondly, and maybe most importantly, he will build his power on a religious base. He will organize a world religion. So in your witness for the Lord, spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom during the days of the Tribulation, you will face a competitive program.

That has always been the case, has it not? All through history, true believers in Jesus Christ have faced alternative voices. Therefore, their witness for Christ had to be strong, resolute, and courageous. You, more than ever, will face a competitive religious program run by the Antichrist. So let me give you a promise:

". . . greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world" (1 John 4:4).

He that is in you is God. He that is in the world is the Devil. The world has the Devil's program. You have the program that is greater. You can be used of God to produce an absolutely fantastic result, as you work and labor for Christ across the world.

Think of it: God is going to produce a great witness to Himself from witnesses that represent an innumerable company. You are one of those witnesses, and you will have angels to assist you in bringing the Word to the ends of the world.

So, while the days of the Tribulation will be a time of infinitely terrible suffering for the lost people of the world, it will be a time of glorious triumph, fantastic accomplishment, for those who are witnesses for the Lord. Don't you fail to be one of them, all right?

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