What to do if you missed the Rapture: Decision Time

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Have You Made Your Choice?

It’s a wonderful thing to be a Christian and to know that you have everlasting life. Especially is that true in times like these. Wouldn’t you like to be a Christian? Wouldn’t you like to know Christ? You can, you know. You can accept Him today and have God’s gift of everlasting life. Perhaps you would like to pray this prayer, receiving Christ; and I promise, God will give you the assurance of salvation:

“Heavenly Father, I thank you because Jesus died for my sins on the cross and rose again. I want now to take Him as my personal Savior. I believe in Him. I believe that Jesus is the son of God and I believe in my heart that you, o God, rose Him from the dead. I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord. Lord, Let your Holy Spirit come to live within my heart, I pray in Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

If you have prayed this prayer during the Day of Grace, you will go in the Rapture and have nothing to fear of the terrible times of which we have spoken. If the Rapture has not yet happened, write to us and share your decision with us, that we may rejoice with you. We have many Bible study materials that will help you as you begin your walk with the Lord.

If it has happened do as you were guided to and depend on the Lord! Ask Him to guide you in these last days, find a Bible and read the book of Revelation, John, Romans, Daniel, Ezekiel, Zachariah, 1 & 2 Thessalonians and 1 corinthians 15! And no matter what, at any cost, no matter how hard or deadly of circumstances that you find yourself in — NEVER deny Jesus Christ, because if you do, He will deny you! And the denial of eternal life means eternal death(hell & lake of fire)! Do not stop running the race and endure to the end family! Stay strong! I am praying for you and cannot wait to meet you in Heaven.

From the writings of Dave Breese
And shared by Angel Irengo


Please stay safe, follow Christ and never give into the antichrist system. I
And the rest of your heavenly family are cheering you on! We are counting on YOU to spread the kingdom message to the World. One day God will wipe away all tears from your eyes, so be strong, steadfast and immovable! Remember that THE KING ABOVE ALL KINGS WILL RETURN!

Shared/posted on Sunday May 23, 2021 -pre(before) rapture and Tribulation-

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