Chapter 7 - Five Boys Pinned

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Harley? What a stupid name.

Harley coughed, "And you are..."

I rolled my eyes from under the scarf and extra wooly layer. After a good three minutes I replied, "The Fourth Girl."

He scoffed, "Hah! Nice name, very mysterious... So, you fourth girl, are you here for the experience or the sex?"


I really don't like this guy.

"The challenge." I bluntly replied, keeping my voice as monotonous as possible.

He fell silent, and just as he did so the car started to slow down and was suddenly bouncing over the speed bumps in the road.

"I thought the girls arrived before us... That's what I was told anyway." Harley quietly muttered to himself.

"Really?" I asked, turning my head towards him.

"Yeah. What were you told?" He asked.

"That the boys arrived before us girls."

He scoffed, "Showbiz... Just a lot of lying fuckwits really."

A laugh escaped my mouth just as the car came to a stop.

My door opened and a gust of warm air hit me.

"Take my hand." I recognised Ben's voice straight away and reached out with my right hand, he got hold of it and helped me get out the car. "You can take off the blindfold now."

I reached up and pulled off the woolly layer and then the scarf and looked around me, squinting as my eyes got used to the light.

We were surrounded by trees and in front of me was a very windowed hotel, it was very modern.

"Go up the stairs and through the door." Said Ben, putting his hand on my back and pushing me forwards a little. As I walked away, I remembered Harley and turned around to the car.

It wasn't there. It must have been electronically powered because I didn't hear an engine start up and drive away.

I kept walking anyway and entered the hotel. It was a square reception room with four hallways leading off in different directions as well as a stair well. I leant against one of the entrances to one of the hallways and took in a deep breath.

"Hey! Watch out!!" A males voice shouted behind me and as  I turned another body collided with my own.

My shoulder hit the floor hard and this other body was pretty much on top of me.

"Shit... Shit that fucking hurt! Shit, shit, shit, shit!" I angrily groaned.

The body on top of me moved and rolled to the side. I sat up and looked at it.

Yup, definitely male.

He had dirty blonde hair and was lying on his front, I saw a skateboard lying upside down by the stairs.

Who rides a skate board inside?!

The boy groaned and moved to sit up, we were facing each other. His eyes fell on me and suddenly went wide, he scrambled to get up, going and retrieving his skateboard.

"I'm really sorry..." He apologised not looking me in the eye. Something about him made my anger fade away, he was almost like a lost puppy.

I stood up, grabbing my shoulder and grunting. "Ah, crap... I-it's okay. I guess skateboarding inside is fun, no matter how stupid." I smirked a little, trying to show him that I meant no harm.

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