Chapter 6 - "Ginge"

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The next few seconds were a blur.

Turns out, Russell had woken up and seen me looking through the curtain with Belle, so naturally got up to investigate. As she got up, her head wacked the light switch above her seat and her hand freaked out and slapped Silva sitting in front of her, right on the head.

...Silva's scolding coffee went everywhere. Especially on her.

That's when I hit the floor and Ben shot up - completely ignoring Belle - and came and stood in front of me.

How do I know this?

All I could see were a pair of black shiny shoes pointing right at my face. I had face-planted the floor and now this extremely good looking, liar of a man was standing above me, and probably laughing.

I got up, and he just stared me while I shyly looked back up at him through the ginger strands of hair over my eyes.

"Ben!" Belle shouted, tapping on his shoulder.

He looked away from me, "What?"

Belle opened her mouth to confront him, "Why are the male contestants in the o-"

"-In the hotel before us!" I interrupted.

They both looked at me with a confused stare. "...Huh?"

I coughed, standing straighter and clearing my throat, "Why do the boys get to be at the hotel before us?"

Belle sent me a weird look, and I coughed to try and cover it. Ben looked a little more confused, "What? Are you actually asking me that question?"

I then again locked eyes with Belle and she was about to say something else when the seatbelt sign lit up and the pilot's deep, murmuring voice echoed over the tiny speakers.

"Good evening, please take your seats as we shall be starting our decent into Rio de Janeiro-Galeao International Airport. There shall be a bit of turbulence but please remain calm and we shall land in approximately thirty minutes. Thank you for being on this flight and the cabin crew and I wish you a brilliant rest of your day."

Russell sent me an awkward look as we sat in our seats again, "What was that?" She whispered to me.
"Don't worry." I replied, shaking my head.

I looked out the window as we slowly dived and became submerged within the fluffy white clouds and suddenly remembered I needed to set my watch back three hours to begin to adjust to the time difference. It was 5pm GMT time.

As I sat back and closed my eyes, readying myself for the pain of my ears popping, someone poked my elbow from behind me. I sighed and twisted round in my chair - it was Penelope, again.

"Hey, Ginge... You ok?"

She looked nervous, her eyes not able to look straight at me and her forehead begun to get ever so slightly shiny.

"Uhh... yeah? I'm fine?" I stared at her as if she had just asked a stupid question. I was tired and couldn't be bothered to pretend to be nice to someone who calls me "Ginge".

She sat back and stared at her feet, "Oh..." She gulped. "I don't like planes. The worst bit is just before the wheels touch the ground... The anticipation makes me feel sick." She whispered.

Initially, I felt bad for her, but... all I did was faintly nod and then turn back around to face the front. Yes I may get bad karma for that but who gives a shit - she pissed me off!

The plane spent the next twenty minutes tilting from left to right and everytime our side faced the water, I heard Penelope squeal a little. I think it gave me more satisfaction than anything else. Actually, as we got closer to the ground, my adrenaline levels kept rocketing. The closer we got, the closer I was to trying out a five star hotel, and the closer I was to meeting the boys -- Jordan has been popping up in my mind every now and then since our first meeting.

Soon enough Brazil came into view and gradually the houses and cars were becoming larger and larger until we were headed straight towards the runway. I held onto the arms of the chair I was sitting in just to brace myself. My heart rate picked up and I couldn't keep my eyes off the window, the vibrations from the floor making it's way up my legs and around my body. All of a sudden the whole plane made an enormous thud and then the sound picked up and I could feel the wheels of the plane roll underneath me.

We had arrived.

* * *

Ben got up as soon as the plane came to a hault.

He clapped his hands together. "Right! This is the bit we didn't tell you about! In order for the upmost secrecy you are all going to be blindfolded once out of the plane and in each one of your cars. Your luggage will be at the hotel when you arrive but we need to make sure the secrecy of the hotel and the general media centre is kept tight. Sorry we didn't tell you, but it was a minor thing. The drive isn't very long anyway... Let's go! Silva, Penelope and Libbi you go first! Belle, Kiera and Russel, you follow on!"

I rolled my eyes... "Brilliant." I muttered.

As soon as I stepped onto the steps, the warm wind picked my hair up and whipped it around my face, making sure each strand got tangled with another fifty. Ben directed me to one of the six jet black land rovers and I got inside. He then wrapped a thick woollen scarf around my eyes and then placing some kind of woollen hat thing over my face too.

"You know, if anyone was watching, this would look like a kidnapping." I joked, my voice a little muffled through the material.

No one answered for a while and my mind began to wonder if I really was here for a TV show or if I had accidentally applied to be a sex slave of some sort.

But then the door on the other side of the car opened and I heard Ben's voice again...

"Yes hello I'm Ben, I am also part of the TV show, please just leave the blindfold alone and be quiet, dude. You've got company."

I was instantly confused.

"Ben...?" I questioned the darkness.

The car door slammmed shut and the car thrusted forwards, now moving at a considerable speed.

"Nope, babe. My name's Harley."



I hope you enjoy it and don't forget to share the story or vote/comment on it :3

Have a lovely day!

Jordie xx

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