Chapter 8 - The One With The Bow Tie

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"It's really pretty outside." I mention, to no one in particular. I'm standing by the window in our hotel room and we are high enough to just about see the sun begin to descend behind the tall trees.

Russell came and stood behind me, "Yeah it is! Ah, I would Instagram it if we were allowed to use social media."

I nodded in agreement when our room's telephone rang.

I looked at Russell who raised her eyebrows and went to answer it. I followed her and sat on my bed, heart beating a little harder because a call to the room means that the people running the show have something planned and I'm super nervous.

"Okay then, thank you." Russell placed the phone back down and sighed, lying back on her bed.

I looked at her, waiting for her to explain.

"There's a dinner tonight and we have to be there. The man on the phone said that it is quite a fancy dinner so we need to dress up. I did ask who was going to be there, but he said that he couldn't give us that information. However, we have stylists heading up to our room right now and they have everything in hand that they want us to wear."

I nodded, the excitement building up in me, "Stylists? Ooh, I forgot about this part. I've never been styled before. How exciting."

Russell smiled a little, "Eh, yeah I guess so. I still know that whatever the end result of my appearance is, I would have been able to do it better. I know my face better than any of these people; no matter how well they know how to apply eye shadow."

I sniggered and leant back on my bed, staring up at my ceiling.

I feel a pang in my stomach and suddenly I'm missing home, but the feeling soon leaves when a knock sounds on the door and I'm instantly up to answer it.

In front of me are two women and two men.

"Hello, lovely! Are you Kiera? My, what lovely ginger hair! So long and thick, beautiful!" The woman with blue hair exclaims as she and the others walk past me into the room.

"Russell! All nice and relaxed I see?" Says the man with a nose piercing.

Before Russell can answer they're introducing themselves.

The woman with blue hair starts, "I'm Meggie, your hairstylist Kiera and this lovely man here," She motions to her right, "Is your make up artist! We also have some clothes with us that the costume department have picked out for you!"

I smile a little and wave, "Hey, I'm Kiera as you know. Sorry, I didn't catch your name?" I ask, looking at the very tall and muscly man standing to Meggie's right.

"I'm Kieran." He smiled, giving me his hand to shake.

"Hah! The male version of your name!" Russell pointed out, finding amusement in the situation.

I rolled my eyes whilst smirking a little, "Ah okay, hello."

Russell's hairstylist was the man with the piercing called Joseph, and her make up artist was the other woman with him. Russell was sat down in the chair that was facing the window whilst they started on her make up. I was sent straight into the shower to wash my hair.


I walked out of the shower with a towel wrapped around me and saw Russell's make up almost finished. "Why doesn't she have to have a shower?" I asked, sounding like a whining toddler.

"Because her hair isn't all frizzy from the humidity, yours is. And in order to control it we need to start from the beginning, when it's all wet and flexible." Replied Meggie, sitting me down on another chair facing the mirror. Kieran was lying on my bed, his muscly arms up by his head as he stared at the ceiling.

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