Chapter 5 - Liar Liar

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I don't like planes.

Nope, Nu uh, Nein, Non, No.

See, I like the idea of flying. I just... don't like the whole tipping-so-that-one-window-faces-the-sun-and-the-other-sees-nothing-but-sea part of it.

Russell is asleep. Snoring with her face pressed against the window. As for me, I'm still getting used to the constant fear of the bumpiness of the plane ride, whilst enjoying the enormous leg room and Ben being directly to my right in this first class jet plane. His face is just... gorgeous.

I will not be surprised if I end up sneaking to his hotel room just to watch his beautifully toned torso rise up and down. Also for the possibility that he might sleep naked and that the sheets might be rather thin...

I felt myself blush - I'm such a pervert. 

Suddenly someone tapped my elbow from behind, I twisted in my seat to see who it was. Penelope was staring back at me, a small grin planted on her lips. 

"What?" I asked.

Her eyes drifted over to Russell, "Can I draw on her face?"

I frowned, "Urm..." I moved away from her slightly, very aware that she still classed as a strranger and wanted to draw on my new friend's face. "Wait, what?"

She rolled her eyes and sighed, "I'll explain this slowly to you, Ginge." 

I grunted.

"Your partner or whatever you want to call her, is asleep. And... I have a pen! See the connection?"

I nodded slowly, still confused exactly why she wants to draw on Russell's face. Suddenly I shook my head furosiously. "No way! She hasn't done anything to you, why should I let you draw on her face? She's supposed to be able to trust me!"

Penelope raised her hands in mercy and leant back. "Geeze, no need to be such a downer, Ginge."

I grunted again and leant back in my seat.

"Don't call me that."


I may not like planes... but I love their toilets! I like how cute and small it is as well as how the toilet baffles me that it can work properly whilst up in the air and flying at a very fast speed.

As I opened the door, I turned around to shut it again when my eyes caught a gap in the white curtain which is where I assumed the cockpit to be. Instead, as I moved closer, I peeked through it and realised that a handful of boys - including Jordan - sat scattered over the seats.

They're on the plane with us! Wow, these telly people are such liars!

As I stared through the curtain, I saw that most of the boys were asleep. They were all fairly hot. All ranging from slightly below average to indescribably hot-hot! There was a ginger guy with a beard, a bald dude with glasses on his head and lots of brown haired guys. Jordan was sitting next to one of the brown haired boys, I still can't believe how genuine he was earlier -- I wonder if he's my soulmate?

A shot of tingles ran throughout my body producing a mixture of adrenaline at the very thought.

I am so ready for this!

A cocky smile broke onto my face as I turned around to walk back to my seat. Immediately my body stumbled into someone. I opened my mouth to let out a stifled gasp, but it was silenced by a hunk of hair lodging itself into it.

"Pleh! Peh-pleh, pleh!" I struggled, pushing the strands out with my tongue and eventually pulling the saliva soaked ends out of my mouth and sliding them across my face until they hung by the girl's head again.

It was Belle.

"Ooh! I'm so sorry, Kiz! I saw you peering through the curtain and wanted to see what all the fuss was about!" She moved her head slowly with every well-pronounced word she said. Her eyes dropped from mine to her hair and then distorted with her lips into discomfort and shock.

She daintily picked up the wet strands with her fingers.

"Eww.." She whined, looking back up at me.

I blushed. 

"I'm so sorry, Belle! I wasn't looking where I was going and then as soon as we bumped into each other, I opened my mouth to gasp and suddenly your hair was inside it! It was an accident, I swear!" I babbled, not fully being able to look her in the eye.

"If it makes the situation any better," I offered, "It did have a lovely perfumed taste to it." I half smiled, trying to make light of the situation.

As she took in what I'd said, I saw her face changed a little and the sides of her mouth picked upwards a bit. Eventually, the whole thing softened to it's normal position. "Don't worry," She sighed, "Anyway, you did no damage, my lovely. Everything's fine." She flashed me a toothy smile.

I sent one back.

Her eyes fell on the curtain behind me, they brightened.

"So? What's behind that curtain!"

I panicked a little, wondering if I should show her and if anyone would get too suspicious, but as I looked around, most were asleep and the others were deep into their movies.

I placed my finger on my lips in the 'shush' position and pointed for her to follow me. As we reached the curtain, her eyes were bubbling with a mischief that I'd only ever recognised in the innocence of children. I guess her gentle nature reminded me of one.

"Let's take a look-see here." She murmured, peeking through the gap.

She gasped, and brought her head back so that she was facing me.

"Boys?!" She gasped, both her dimples indenting on her cheeks.

I nodded enthusiastically.

"Yup. I met one earlier. His name's Jordan and he is part of the same show as us. In fact, they all are!"

Belle frowned, "Wait, that means that Ben lied!"

"Uh huh." I raised my eyebrows in a disappointed look.

Belle looked around until her eyes landed on something and glazed over and her face fell expressionless.

"I'm going to confront him." She barely spoke, making me having to wait a few seconds to realise what she had said.

My stomach dropped to my feet. What? No! She can't do that! We might get kicked off the show!

I walked forward to go after her.

"Belle!" I whispered loudly, "Wait!"

By the time my eyes fell on her again, she was already standing in the isle next to Ben's seat. Her foot was tapping the floor while her arms were crossed and her hair fell down her back in luscious waves.

I watch as Ben's head turns to her and-



Worked hard on this for you! I hope you like it :) They'll be reaching Brazil soon, promise!

Love, Jordie xx

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