The letter

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BBC Television Centre


NW7 4WW 

                                                                      Wednesday 7th June 2015

Kiera Reynald

We are pleased to inform you that your application to enter The Jungle has been accepted. You and eleven others will be expected to arrive in the Amazon rainforest by 09:00 on Saturday the 17th June.

If you do not arrive at the alloted time then your place will be given to someone else.

Please pack 1 suitcase filled with your own clothes to suit a hot climate. Please do not bring any electricals except your mobile phone and one other electrical appliance to keep you company on the journey to Brazil. However, things such as;

Hair curlers/straighteners



Video Games

Will be temporarily confiscated once you enter the country. Mobile phones and iPods will also be confiscated, but only once you're inside the rain forest. You will get these possessions back when you have left/been voted off the program.


 Please make your way to Heathrow airport on Sunday 11th June, be there at 06:00 prompt. There should be a group of men waiting at the main entrance, one will be holding a piece of card with your surname on, this man is called Bruce. Once you find him, please hand him your suitcase, he shall take care of it. 

Once Bruce has returned, he will lead you over to an empty room. This is where you will be searched and your passport checked. You have special treatment because you are part of a Television program and we have paid extra. After you have been searched, Bruce will leave you and you will not see him again until you return back to England. 

Next you will meet 5 girls. These girls will be joining you on the programme. We'd prefer if you already knew the names of these girls so that when you meet it is not awkward.

The first girl is called Silva.

The second girl is called Belle 

The third girl is called  Penelope

The fourth girl is called Kiera

The fifth girl is called Libbi

The sixth girl is called Russell

As you have probably realised, you are the fourth girl. Before the boys meet you, they will just be shown pictures and they will refer to you as your numbers. You will be shown pictures of them too, and call them by their numbers. 

After you meet these girls, you will all be placed around the crowd of people in the waiting area and will all be filmed individually. You will not need to speak just yet, as there will be a recording by the narrater dubbed over the film once they've recorded you.

Do not bother searching the crowd of people for good looking men who might be joining you, they will have already left earlier that morning.

Once you have been recorded you and the girls will be guided towards the plane. This is where you will have a 9.6 hour journey to Brazil. The two devices you have brought with you to keep you company will come in handy here, as it is a rather long journey. 

Once you, the girls and the crew have landed, you will be collected your suitcase and shall be driven to the hotel which you will be staying in for 5 nights. Over the course of the five days you will be able to wear your own clothes, but only off camera.

The design team want everyone to look their best before they enter the jungle, to try and win people (the voters) over. 

During your stay at the hotel you will have a few interviews with different gossip magazines. As this is a new show, the media are just raring to get their hands on all the juicy gossip that shall rise over the program.

You may use all the hotel has to offer before you enter the jungle, we want you to spend as long as possible in complete luxury before you enter 2 months of sheer horror and test your strength.

Both physically, and mentally.

Then on Saturday the 17th June you will be given a breakfast as normal but given jungle clothes to put on. You will then be escorted to the jungle in your own car with a personal chauffeur. This will all be filmed as you pull up to The Jungle.

Please do not worry about any of this information, it will all be repeated for you once you arrive. We hope you enjoy your stay at the 5 star hotel and we hope that you will not let us down on giving us a good show.

Quick tip from our relationship adviser:

 "Remember to never lose yourself during this show. It can be easy to pretend to be someone you're not when you know cameras are watching. Be yourself, and I guarantee, you will find your soul mate."

We thank you for entering, and look forward to getting to know you over the course of the show.

BBC Television


I couldn''t resist.

I had so many ideas flying around that I was literally shaking at the anticipation to write them down.

I hope you do like this story and comment what you really think. I'm intrigued to hear what your opinion.

Thanks for reading and don't forget to FOLLOW, VOTE AND COMMENT

Go crazy, I know you want to ;)

~Jordan x

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