Chapter 2 - The next two

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"Where do I go?" I whispered to Russell while we stood behind -and I can only assume as for their black attire - some of the crew. 

Russell finally switched her phone off after non stop texting for the 20 minutes we'd been standing there, "Walk through the thing that beeps." She pointed to a large plastic arch way that everyone seemed to be walking through, the policemen stood on the other side holding long black devices that also beeped.

"What if I set something off? Am I arrested?" I muttered, blabbering because of the gradual nerves building up inside my stomach.

Russell laughed, a huge amused grin stuck to her lips. It was only then when I realised one of her front teeth was chipped, and rather largely too. "My, Keeks. You are something! You're both innocent yet curious... hm. That could either be a huge advantage or a mighty disadvantage to you in the jungle... depending if you play your cards right."

Play my cards right?

"You're speaking as if we're entering some hell hole." I rolled my eyes, walking through the arch way and smiling at the policeman. He didn't smile back.


I flicked my long ginger hair onto my back as I turned to look at Russell. "Well we are, aren't we?" She replied, grabbing her carry on bag.


"Where are you taking us?" I asked the woman in front of Russell and I. She was a very manly woman, if it wasn't for her name tag 'Carol' I'd have assumed she was male.

We were walking through a very, very long white hallway, Carol's clumpy shoes squeaking on the spotless floor.

"To meet the others, four." She replied.

Oh yeah, Carol doesn't seem to bother to learn our names. When we met her all she said was "Are you four and six?" and that was it.

"She has a name you know." Russell chuckled at the lady while I was just getting more and more annoyed and restless. I guess it was the build up of nerves and other emotions...

Carol stopped at a white door, holding her name card up to the scanner. The door slid open and Carol walked through. Russell and I looked at eachother. Russell was smirking whilst I was far from amused. "Oh cheer up, Keeks. Otherwise I'll have to beg for a new partner!" She winked, pushing past me and striding into the room Carol went into.

I eventually followed her and looked around. It was still a plain white room but there were another four girls there in which I'd never seen before. Carol seemed to have vanished. Good.

I spotted Russell, again she was leaning against one of the walls, fiddling with her phone. Is she ever off that thing? 

Once I approached her, I leant against the wall too. "So... I'm guessing you know who these girls are?"

Russell nodded, looking around. She pointed to an average height girl. She had bleached blonde hair that had been obviously dyed so much that the hair had worn out and now was thin and stuck to her head. I cringed at that, but as she looked at her phone, the warmest giggle escaped her lips. I guess that was her attraction - her voice. "That's Silva, the first girl." Russell told me.

I nodded, "And that one next to her?" I pointed to another girl who had the ideal figure. Her legs were long, but not lanky. She was slender, but not skinny. Her arms were thin but long. It was obvious she was fairly flexible. She must've done something like gymnastics because every time she barely flinches millions of muscles erupt throughout her body. Again, she didn't stand out as amazingly beautiful - which was weird. I had expected model type girls to be chosen for something like this. This girl reached up for her ponytail and shook out her chocolate brown hair, flicking it around like she was in a shampoo video...

"That's Silva's partner, Belle." Russell told me, "She's number two."

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