Volume 8, Chapter 9 - "Friend or Foe"

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(BF/N BF/LN's P.o.V)

It certainly was worse. I can not begin to describe what the tension in the air felt like once that bloodcurdling roar echoed through the forest. That could have only come from one thing: creatures of Grimm. But, from where? As far as I could tell, the cherry-red forest behind us was totally clear. There was not a Beowolf, Creep or Death Stalker in sight. And that unsettled me. That roar had to come from somewhere and from the sheer volume of it, I could tell it was unnervingly close. The eight of us rose together and took one step forward towards the warmly-coloured trees of the Forever Fall forest, peering cautiously inside. It was like I was waiting for the jumpscare to come in a horror film or video game; it was the exact same feeling. My muscles tensed up, my sight became sharper, my heart beat faster, my breathing was heavier and my body was becoming more and more difficult to move. I was almost frozen in fear, in fact, we all were. Just then, on the horizon, an enormous horde of Grimm came charging towards us from the furthest point of the forest that our vision could pick up! Nobody moved. Everybody stared.

(BF/N): "Right... right."

Tom: "Bloo-Dy- Hell!"

Sonic: "You can say that again."

Topaz: "G-Guys?"

Alex: "That is the biggest flock of monsters I have ever seen."

We continued to watch the horde of monstrous creatures charge across the sunkissed grass towards our position on the platform near the old railroad, growling and snarling in hatred and aggression as they came closer and closer. I watched closely.

(BF/N): "It's like Zulu... watching them come towards us."

Dick: "Okay... so what do we do?"

I slowly pressed the activation button on Passionate Ace, Vanessa, Tom and Alex readied their weapons in response.

Dick: "Oh, you can not be serious."

Vanessa: "You got a better plan?"

Sonic: "Finally! Some real action!"

Ebon: "Slow and steady, Sonic. Slow and steady. Wait, why am I saying that to you?"

(BF/N): "We've got to buy as much time as possible until the others get here. Onwards!"

Dick: "This is not how I imagined my day would go."

I switched Passionate Ace to its blade mode and ran straight towards the Grimm horde with Tom, Vanessa, Alex and Dick by my side! What followed was the slaughtering of hundreds upon hundreds of Grimm, so many that I can't even remember how many different types there were. There were some I had seen before, some new ones that I had not seen before. All I knew was that there was a lot of them and they needed to be slain. I thrust Passionate Ace through the chest of a Beowolf and threw it over my shoulder into a Boarbatusk before it could roll at me! As I let out a few firey shots at the horde, Tom was repeatedly throwing Comet at multiple Grimm, keeping up with the deadly yellow disc's momentum as he blitzed through the horde, finishing his stint with a final ground pound-like smash into a Death Stalker's skull! Vanessa froze about three Creeps with icy bursts from Arcana before impaling three Ursai with a swift thrust of her rapier, essentially turning them into a blood-soaked kebab! Alex, meanwhile, had used The Evacuator to brutally blend a Boarbatusk in its vacuum and was now shredding the Gremlins in the sky to pieces with the sharp pieces of bone and horn that he was now shooting out of the pack! Finally, Dick had taken a leaf out of Yang's book. He firstly threw a sphere of fire Dust behind him for propulsion and, as he was moving, charged up Myriad with all different types of Dust, which resulting in him forcing his fist through the chest of a Beringal and for extra dramatic effect, he decided to go the extra mile and rip out its heart! He was breathing heavily as he crushed it with his bare hand.

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