Volume 9, Chapter 2 - "First Day Jitters"

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(No one's P.o.V)

The first day at Amnesty Academy could not have gone more smoothly... well, at least, for anyone but our heroes that is. However, it seemed that with the dawn of a new day, the first proper full day at the academy, everything was soothed into peace and calm. Everything was running like clockwork, just as it was in Beacon Academy. That is... until Team Scarlet finally woke up after sleeping through their alarms.

(BF/N): "Oh, wait. What time is it?"

Sonic: "Urgh... morning, guys."

(BF/N): "Sonic, what time is it?"

Sonic: "Uh... my Scroll says it's about eight twenty-nine."


In a matter of seconds, Team Scarlet was up and dressed and burst down the corridor faster than their legs could carry them! The reason being that (BF/N) was studying the timetable he and all the other students were given as an email to their Scrolls the night before. And this is what he saw:

8:00 - 8:30 am - Breakfast
8:30 - 8:55 am - Assemblies (Extended breakfast if no assemblies are taking place)
9:00 - 10:00 am - Class
10:00 - 11:00 am - Class
11:00 - 11:20 am - Break
11:20 - 12:20 am - Class
12:20 - 1:20 pm - Class
1:20 - 2:20 pm - Class
2:20 - 3:00 pm - Lunch
3:00 - 4:30 pm - Self-Directed Sparring
4:30 - 5:00 pm - Optional Further Study

Sonic: "We missed breakfast! Oh, the cruelty!"

(BF/N): "I can't believe it! We're gonna be late and on the first day!"

Sonic: "No, we're not. Hang on, dudes."

Suddenly, Sonic grabbed the hands of (BF/N) and Ebon, (BF/N) grabbing hold of Topaz's hand, and ran down the corridors of the school as fast as he possibly could using his Semblance! They arrived at their first class in a matter of nanoseconds! And yet, (BF/N), Ebon and Topaz all looked traumatised by the sheer speed at which they were blitzing through the air thanks to Sonic.

(BF/N): "That. Was. GREAT!!! Let's have another go!"

Ebon: "NO!!!"

Then, the foursome in question burst through the doors of the amphitheatre, hoping that they had made it in time. Unfortunately for them, though, everyone else had gotten there before them. All eyes turned to them, Team Scarlet smiled innocently.

(Y/N): "Good morning."

Cinder: "You're late."

(BF/N): "N-No, we're not! Sonic, you said it was eighty twenty-nine!"

Sonic: "It is! I swear it- oh... oh, wait a minute."

Ebon: "Sonic."

Sonic: "I was wrong, it's actually eight thirty-nine. Damn Scroll."

But then, Cinder suddenly disappeared into embers and reappeared behind them, staring Team Scarlet down with her arms crossed. The team in question stood there, astounded and terrified by this.

(BF/N): "That never ceases to amaze me."

Cinder: "Why are you late?"

Topaz: "W-W-We overslept- Miss- Lady Fall..."

Cinder: "Slept through your alarms, did you? Then perhaps I should replace them with hot coals, that'll give you the motivation to wake up. I trust you don't need that kind of motivation to sit down?"

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