Volume 1, Chapter 5 - "Not So Humble Beginnings"

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(Y/N's P.o.V)

The moonlight shone through the window of my team's new dorm room. As I stared at the stars twinkling in the sky, I thought of home and all my friends and family. God knows what they were going through. I took off my mask and stared up at the night sky. Christine and Brady were sleeping quietly whilst Ryan was snoring behind me on his own bed. His snoring contributed to the fact that I couldn't seem to get to sleep. A small tear came to my eye as I relived the memories of my younger days on Earth.

(Y/N): "Don't worry everyone, I'll be home soon. I've got so much to tell you when I get back. If I can, I'll even introduce you all to my teammates."

I looked back to them but then I remembered Christine's unexplained disliking of me as the Leader of Team Caliber. I sighed and looked back up at the illuminated night sky.

(Y/N): "Well... maybe not all of them..."

I smiled a bit as I remembered the shock we got when we first moved in.

Earlier that day...

Ryan, Christine, Brady and I were walking down the corridor with our luggage, searching for our room. We had been told that ours would have an electronic lock with a pistol bullet symbol on it. I could almost feel the irritation growing inside Christine as our search took up more and more of our time. Soon enough, we found the door lock with the bullet on it.

(Y/N): "Well, this is it guys."

Christine: "Finally."

Ruby: "Hey, (Y/N)!"

I turned around and saw that Ruby's team were occupying the room next to ours. I smiled and waved at her as she came up to me, her wide smile still plastered over her face.

Ruby: "Looks like we're neighbours!"

(Y/N): "Cool!"

Just then, Christine got out her scroll and put it on the lock. The door unlocked and she rushed inside without even acknowledging Ruby. Ryan looked at her and followed her in, obviously disheartened at her actions.

Ruby: "Geez, what's wrong with her?"

(Y/N): "I don't know, Rosie. I don't know."

Ruby: "'Rosie'?"

(Y/N): "Well, I figured that would be a cool nickname because... first of all, your last name is Rose and, second, you keep leaving rose petals on the floor each time you use your semblance. If it's weird, I could drop it if you want."

Ruby: "Nah, it's cool."

Just then, Brady put his hand on my shoulder and threw his bag inside our new room.

Brady: "I'd better get unpacking, I'll leave you two to your own devices."

(Y/N): "That's alright, Brady. I'll be inside in a bit."

He then went inside the room, leaving me in an awkward silence with Ruby. Eventually, she broke the ice by asking me a question.

Ruby: "So... how's it going? Like your team?"

(Y/N): "Team Caliber? Yeah. Granted, Ryan's a bit of a hell-raiser but he's a good guy. Brady may look like the tough guy but really, once you get to know him, you soon find out that he's just a big softy."

Ruby: "And... what about the girl that just went in?"

(Y/N): "Christine?"

Ruby: "Yeah. What's she like?"

(Y/N): "She's uh... reserved... if you get what I mean."

Ruby: *sigh* "I know what you mean, I'm teamed up with Weiss. She's proven to be a bit of a handful."

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