Volume 3, Chapter 3 - "His Contact: The High-Flyer"

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(Roman Torchwick's P.o.V)

Imprisoned. Trapped in a single prison cell. Although, I wouldn't call it a cell for me. A prison cell? It was more like one those 'stasis pods' you see on sci-fi movies - those complicated ones that involve all that time travel mumbo-jumbo. I wasn't so displeased from being imprisoned, more so of the quality of my cell. Such simplistic accommodation was like an insult to my very character, I deserved the best but I got the worst instead. However, I played along, like I always did, but never cooperating with Tin Jim. Why should I? What have the powers that be ever done for me? I'll tell you what: locked me up, caged like an animal. I spent most of my days just brooding over the kids that sent me here, especially Little Red and Ravenwood; it was more so Ravenwood, though. Don't get me wrong, Little Red was quite a pain in my side but Ravenwood had scars that continued to burn as long as I was still breathing... and that persistence annoyed me to the point where I grew to despise the kid. But, in the end, there's no sense crying over spilled milk. Instead, I screwed around with the guards to pass the time. I noticed one of the Atlesian Prison Guards staring at me, it creeped me out a little. So, I smirked at him and mimed that I was playing an harmonica whilst whistling that common tune that was most associated with the harmonica. I hope you all know what I'm talking about, otherwise, I'll lose faith in humanity. Once I finished my performance, the guard just sighed and turned around again. I laughed for a while, inciting irritation in authority amused me. Then, I heard a voice in my head that wiped the smile off my face.

Spectre: "Having fun?"

Roman: "I was, before I was so rudely interrupted. Next time, start quiet and build up the volume when you're in my head. You almost gave me a heart attack!"

Spectre: "My apologies, I didn't know you were so sensitive."

Roman: "Ah, why don't you go to hell? What do you want? And, make it quick."

Spectre: "I just wanted to inform you that everything is still going according to plan."

Roman: "Tell me something I don't know. How long do I have to wait?"

Spectre: "Not long, my estimates tell me that you should be free by the final rounds of the Vytal Festival Tournament."

Roman: "Oh, goody!"

Spectre: "What's wrong? You seem a little down, not your usual self."

Roman: "Why don't you take a guess? I thought you scientists were supposed to be smart."

Spectre: "Smoking urges getting to you? Loneliness? Do you miss your partner? Oh, wait, maybe it's because your entire operation was taken down by a bunch on kids on a school trip!"

Roman: "Oh, please, spare me this torment~!"

Guard: "Hey!"

I turned my back on the guard who had just walked up to my cell, trying to ignore what he was saying, but I couldn't hear what that masked-moron was saying over the guard's voice. I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists as my irritation grew inside me.

Guard: "You gone crazy or something? Put a sock in it!"

Suddenly, I spun around and shouted at the guard, pointing at him as I did so.

Roman: "We are trying to have a conversation here!"

The guard didn't say anything after that, I suppose he was a little shocked by my recent outburst. Instead of biting back, he left, leaving me to talk to Spectre. Happy days.

Spectre: "And, then there's Cinder. You remember Cinder, don't you?"

Cinder Fall. Oh, how I loathed hearing that name. Everything was going just peachy until she and her kids came along. Before all of that, I was the talk of the town. I could do anything I wanted, whenever I wanted to. But, every since she came to me for 'help', I had a leash put on me and Cinder was holding it. I remember dreaming of the day when their plan was over and I could get back to doing what I did best: lying, stealing, cheating and surviving. I couldn't wait until that woman was out of my life for good!

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