Volume 1, Chapter 2 - "The Shining Beacon"

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(Y/N's P.o.V)

The ship landed at Beacon as soft as a feather falling to the ground, I almost didn't notice we had actually landed. I got up off of my seat, put my headphones around my neck and waited for the ship's hatch to open with the other students. I got a few weird looks but I ignored them and kept looking forwards, I almost couldn't contain my excitement! I felt someone bump into me and I saw that it was a tall, blonde-haired boy with dark-blue eyes, who was wearing a black hoodie with detached orange sleeves all covered by a white chestplate and there were also a pair of white spaulders with rerebraces set under them on his shoulders. I knew who he was. He was called Jaune Arc, currently known as Vomit Boy to Ruby. The hatch started to open with a gentle blow of escaping air and I thought that I would let him go first because he suffered from motion sickness. I empathised with him quite a lot because I used to suffer from it terribly when I was much younger, I'm telling you long distance holidays were a nightmare. The hatch fully opened to let us all out and Jaune immediately bolted to one of the nearby bins and threw up in it! Along with the other students, I walked down the paved path to the front of the Academy. The courtyard alone was quite a sight to see, especially with the fountain and the large statue of a Huntsman and Huntress standing on top of a rock with a Beowolf Grimm cowering below them.

(Y/N): "Isn't it funny though? I'm actually here. Here at the real Beacon Academy. This is huge and I mean huge! Oh (BF/N) is going to be soo jealous when I get back!"

My mind was then poisoned with the realisation of how hard it would probably be to get back home, I just sighed and stared at the school while trying to be hopeful for the future. I walked past Jaune but I put my hand on his shoulder as I passed.

(Y/N): "Know how you feel man. Hang in there."

Jaune: "To be honest... hanging is the last thing I want my stomach to be doing right now."

(Y/N): "Don't worry about it, you'll be fine in a few."

I continued walking up to about a few paces from the school when I suddenly had a vision of the Fall of Beacon! I saw all sorts of Grimm all over the broken school: Ursai, Beowolves, Nevermores, Goliaths and... that wyvern. As reality came back to me, I looked back up at the school which was just as it was before the vision took place. It seemed a bit more overwhelming than it did when I first saw it, I was frozen still in place as I stared at Beacon Academy's towering building.

(Y/N): "What the hell was that?!"

I slowly came back to my senses though as I was passed by a handful of other students going inside the Academy.

(Y/N): "Okay... that was weird. Shake it off (Y/N), it was probably just a mirage or something... I don't know."

A full-force explosion then sent my heart racing and my ears ringing! I then remembered that this was the point when Ruby sneezes and ignites all the Dust Weiss Schnee had unwittingly been sprinkling on her face, I chuckled.

(Y/N): "She's making friends already."

A tiny sparkle below me then caught the attention of my eye. I tilted my head down and saw a tiny cyan crystal sitting at my right foot. I almost couldn't believe my eyes, I picked it up and stared at it in amazement. I could hear it making a very quiet shimmering sound in my hand.

(Y/N): "Is this a... Dust crystal?! Wow! I've never actually held one before... doesn't feel as sharp as I imagined it to though. What kind of Dust actually is this? Cyan... cyan... now what was cyan again? Either way, this will definitely come in handy. I'm sure Weiss won't mind if I borrow this."

While no one was looking, I put the unknown Dust crystal into my coat pocket and continued onwards to Beacon. I stopped however when I remembered that I had forgot to ask a really important question.

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