Volume 11, Chapter 6 - "Return of the Vytal Festival"

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(Y/N's P.o.V)

We awoke to the sound of birds chirping outside our windows. This would've inspired anyone to leap out of bed and embrace the day ahead but all it did for us was make us grumble and moan. In case you haven't guessed, we didn't get a wink of sleep the previous night. I heard the crashing sound of Yang falling out of her bed whilst she tried to get to the bathroom. I tensed up and tried to convince myself that it was not morning yet and that I was still dreaming. It didn't work. Eventually, Ruby and I were forced out of bed by Weiss, Blake and Yang all poking the lump in Ruby's bed.

Yang: "Come on, you two... time to get up."

(Y/N): "No, it isn't."

Yang: "Yes, it is."

Ruby: "Just five more minutes, please!"

Suddenly, the blanket was thrown off both of us and the sun's rays were cast directly into our eyes, making us groan even louder. We were hanging but we had to pull ourselves out of bed. Weiss, Blake and Yang looked just as bad as we did.

Blake: "Worst night of my life."

Ruby: "How are your eyes feeling?"

Yang: "Like they've got anvils attached to them."

(Y/N): "Whatever Ryan's on, I want some of it."

Weiss: "I think we know what needs to be done."

We all nodded in understanding and crept out of the Team RWBY room towards the room Ryan and Christine were sleeping in. We met Team JNPR and Brady along the way, who were just as tired as we were. I put my fingers to my lips, telling them to keep quiet. Afterwards, I mouthed some words and made some signs with my hands to tell them what we were planning. They nodded in understanding and approved of my plan. I gently opened the door and lying in their nearly destroyed bed, sprawled out, legs agape, snoring their heads off while stark naked, were Ryan and Christine. It wasn't a majestic sight.

(Y/N): "Let's see if you find this fun, you bastards."

I counted down from three to one on my fingers and on my command, Brady, Yang and Nora all slammed the wall in, making enormous gaps in it!


(Y/N), Brady, Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Jaune, Pyrrha, Nora and Ren: "ABANDON SHIP!!!!!"

Ryan: "What?! OH, GOD!!! KRIS, GET UP!!!!!"

Christine: "SH*T!!!!!"

The two of them sprung out of bed and began rushing around the room like headless chickens! We struggled to hold in our laughter as we watched them run in a panic, trying desperately to figure out what to do. Ryan thought he was on one of his family's ships.


Christine: "One peaceful night of bliss with the man I love was all I asked!!!"

Ryan: "WHOA!!! Batten down the hatches, Kris! We're taking on water, Kris! I want my mommy, Kris!!!"

Christine: "Wait! What are we doing?! We've got to get out there and defend the academy!"

Ryan: "You're right! Come on, let's go!"

They immediately dashed out of the room and down the corridor with their weapons! But then, Christine stopped him.

Christine: "Wait!"

Ryan: "What?!"

Christine: "Abandon ship?"

That was it. They turned around to see us all laughing and pointing at them.

Ryan: "You bastards!!! That's not funny!"

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