Volume 4, Chapter 8 - "Positioning the Pieces"

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(Spectre's P.o.V)

The next few weeks were filled with non-stop work on my latest project, collaborating with Watts and building on his work. Hadn't thought of a name for it at that time but names are normally one of the last things I think of in terms of scientific discovery and technological progress. Now, even though I had the superior intellect in most areas, I must give credit to the man, Arthur was no doubt a better roboticist and technical engineer than I was; I was more of a chemist myself. For the first few days of testing, we had no luck. It was atrocious, I was becoming more and more stressed and anxious about it each day. I distinctly remember looking into the mirror every night before I went to bed, in my new bedroom that was analogous to a king's bedroom, and looking at my reflection in it, telling myself "Nothing is impossible." before I turned in for the night. However, fortunately, we made progress and eventually, it was done! We had succeeded in our goals and we had achieved what no man in Remnant had done before! This meant that I was a lot chirpier when I addressed my Sovereign Assembly the day after. I called everyone to the main hall, all in the same seats as they were last time; they all stood up in respect once I entered the room. I jumped on the throne and sat down, full of glee and joy for the completion of that marvellous project.

Spectre: "Welcome, everyone. Thank you all for coming. You may sit down."

They did as they were told to and sat back down in their respective seats. I took out a bottle of red vintage wine from the wine rack that I had placed beside the walls and told Sycamore to pass it around once he had poured himself some into the wine glass that I had placed before each of them beforehand, sitting back down on the throne once I had done so.

Spectre: "I am calling this first official meeting of the Sovereign Assembly to order. Now, I'm sure that many of you will be pleased to know that after many days of non-stop work, Dr Watts and I have completed our project and have been successful in creating a single rift in the space-time continuum."

Emerald: "So, that's what that rumbling was last night."

Mercury: "Oh, really? I thought it was your stomach."

Emerald: "Not funny."

Spectre: "However, unfortunately, with every scientific discovery, every breakthrough, there comes opposition. Hostile reactions from our enemies. So, our first plan of action will be to get rid of that opposition."

Tyrian: "Ooo! Does it involve me getting a chance to get back at that Phantom?!"

Spectre: "All in good time, Tyrian, all in good time. Besides, I want to execute my takeover as quickly and as efficiently as possible. We need to strike soon, the world is in a dark period of discontent and that will be to our advantage. But, taking them out one at a time will take too long."

Cinder: "T-Then... how-"

Spectre: "Will I do it?"

Cinder didn't speak; instead, she nodded in response. I could tell that she was afraid of me; she had every right to be. For now, I was no longer a normal human, I was now a Grimm Monarch!

Spectre: "Simple. Mercury?"

Mercury: "Y-Yes?"

Spectre: "Tell me, how would you go about catching a mouse?"

Mercury: "Sorry, Spectre, but I don't see how a mouse connects to the Phantom in any way."

Spectre: "I'm not suggesting that the Phantom is a mouse, Mercury, I'm just asking you how you would go about catching one."

Mercury: "Well, I'd set down a mousetrap-"

Spectre: "Exactly! Right you are, Mercury! You set a trap! And, that's precisely what we're going to do now. You all stay here and rest. Team ZATS, you have been personally selected to gather up the bait. Once the Phantom and his allies are out of the way, we can focus on our next targets: Haven, Vacuo and finally, Atlas."

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