Chapter 11- The Confession Part 2

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Oliva sat at home and saw a bad movie that was shown on TV. It was a typical Rom-Com from the early 2000s and normally she would have changed the program but she couldn't. She knew that Scarlett loves those movies and her eyes will light up if Olivia talks to her about it. Her mood light up as soon as she saw her screen announcing a new message- it was from Scarlett, saying that she is now on her way back. Olivia does not know how it happened but during the last days they kept each updated on nearly everything especially when they are out, they always text each other on their way home and when they are safe at their houses.  Olivia was glad to know that nothing bad happened to Scarlett. They chatted a bit about Scarlett's evening with their fellow classmates and before Olivia was able to tell her that she watched "27 dresses" till the end and actually somehow enjoyed it they ended up talking about Scarlett's crush. Olivia felt how her stomach got dizzy and her heart dropped to her feet. Just thinking about Scarlett liking someone else hurts a lot but even worse would it be if the other one does not love Scarlett back and Scarlett is heartbroken. Olivia wants her to be happy, no matter with whom. She said that she would punch the crush if she would behave badly towards Scarlett or would change her behaviour- being totally serious about that.

Olivia had to read the text afterwards for a few times before being able to respond. " So you would slap yourself?" 'Is Scarlett serious? Probably not. She probably just means that as a joke-right?' Olivia taught she is over/ misinterpreting the whole conversation again, like she did so many times before that she actually had hope that Scarlett might like her. Out of her fear she she answered:
"What do you mean?"
"You know what I mean. I asked if you would slap yourself."
"Wait. So you do mean what I think you mean?"
"Are you that stupid? Yes, you are the one I'm crushing on."

Scarlett felt the fear rising, what if she risked everything now? She still would have to see Olivia for at least 2 days at school. Why did she not just kept quiet? She knew why, because it seemed like the moment and the alcohol said it was a great idea also it is far easier via text than in person. But still, till that moment Olivia did say nothing that has any meaning.

"Do you know what you're doing to be now?"
"Can't you say anything else, Olivia? That's not quite easy for me and your response is not quite helping with my anxiety."
"You too."
"You know I can't do stuff like that."
"Spit it out! I just shared my biggest secret!"
"You're my crush too. You are the one I have feelings for."

Scarlett dropped her phone, like literally dropped it and she didn't even care because as soon as she sa those words her whole face just went into smile mood and she had no idea how to cope with the news. Her hope that Olivia would feel the same were rather zero, so she is quite surprised.
Olivia knew she had to tell Scarlett after her confession but she is just not good with words, especially if it comes to emotional stuff- that is just simply not her world.

They kept on texting, saying how big they smile now and how happy they are and that they wished that there could see each other- both knowing that they would be far too nervous if they would have to face each other.
Scarlett broke her promise of not telling anyone as soon as she stepped out of the train at her station and called Sage "OMG. I did it! I am it!"
"Scarlett what the fuck are you talking about? Take a breath and start again please, I can't follow you."
Scarlett did as told and started over: "I texted Olivia that she is the one I have feelings for. It was just the best moment and I couldn't lie so I told her and... And... She said that I'm her crush as well. SHE LIKES ME BACK! ", Scarlett screamed in the phone.
Sage was so happy for her friend and talked with her till Scarlett reached her house.

Even after laying in bed for an hour Scarlett was not able to stopp her smiling- neither was Olivia. It felt so good knowing that it was not all in their head, that those things really happened and the other one felt them as well. They both were so happy that all of their overthinking about everything the other one does or says can stopp now. But at the same time the thought arises- they had to see each other tomorrow, act like nothing happened and should have a proper conversation about them and their relationship and what it them admitting their feelings to each other means. Scarlett was sure, she wanted to date Olivia and be her girlfriend because even now just being with her or thinking about her makes her happy, happier than ever. Maybe Olivia was even more frightened since Scarlett is her first girl crush ever and she still hasn't figured out her own sexuality at all and Scarlett seems quite comfortable in hers. Girl crush might be the wrong term since Olivia started to develop these feelings slowly but steady since that birthday party in January in the last week she was no longer able to deny them or say that it's just a phase and it will fade- it did not feel like that.
Without saying anything about what this whole conversation means they wished each other a good night and sweet dreams- both knowing that they will probably dream about each other.

*Author's note*
I wrote this one on my phone, so I'm sorry if it looks strange or anything like that! Also there are only 1 or maybe 2 chapters left before this story is over. I'm excited!!

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