I just transferred this from Volume 2, so you guys could still enjoy it before i delete the book(s).
---------------------"..I'll be with you, wherever you go."
He couldn't leave. He just couldn't. Niall wouldn't let him. He wouldn't let them take him away from him.
"Please," Niall cried, arms flailing trying to get closer to Liam. "He's my boyfriend!" He sobbed, still attempting to get through the arms of people trying to stop him. And eventually, he made it through, running to Liam's bedside, carefully placing his hands in the boys own, the others watching from the doorway with sad expressions across their faces.
"You have to let him go, Niall." Nurse Jay said, smiling sadly at the helpless blonde.
"I can't..." the boy breathed, before another sob racked through his body violently. He couldn't let him go. He couldn't. He refused to. Liam belonged here, on earth, with him and the lads. Not in heaven with the other angels. He was his angel, not theirs.
"....Niall..?" A voice said small and hoarsely from the bed, making the boy with blue eyes look down.
"Don't leave," he breathed out a cough, before continuing. "I need- i want you here while i take my last breaths."
"You can't leave,' the blonde cried harder, his whole body shaking with the sobs that left his mouth. "I won't let them take you."
"You have to, Niall.. besides, it's not our fault." Liam tried, struggling to talk over his shot voice.
"I won't let you die. I won't let the cancer take you." Niall cried once more, breaking down. He fell to his knees, sobbing harder as tears left his eyes rapidly like their own waterworks, before getting up and gently placing a kiss on his boyfriend's soft lips, that were becoming chapped and dry due to his physical state.
"I love you," Niall breathed through the kiss. "I always will." He cried as tears still streamed down his face. Liam tried to smile, returning the soft words and tears. Niall pulled back to do the same, savoring the look in Liam's face and the shine in his eyes, how amazing he was and how much he loved him.
He went in for another kiss, the salty tears they were both creating in the last moments they had together contaminating their kiss. It tasted salty, but they still tasted eachother, savouring their last kiss and the feeling they felt with, and near eachother, and the taste of eachother's lips. Drinking in eachother's presence and their last moments together, they greedily took all of eachother that they could before it was all over.
It was all well in the moment of bliss, before Niall heard a sound he never thought he'd hear.
The almost deafening noise filled the room, and Niall froze for a second, jaw going slack, before he realized something.
He was gone.
It's been a month without Liam.
It was his birthday. And at every mention of his name, Niall would try not to cry. But especially, when he visited his now ex boyfriend's grave, just looking at the ground made more tears well up in his eyes.He broke down, falling to his knees, weeps and wails wracking through his body as it shook harder, showing how bad he was crying.
Then, he remembered the small words Liam whispered before the beep went off in the machine that was then connected to his now lifeless body, signaling that his heart had stopped.
"I love you," Liam breathed in the kiss shakily, before both boys pulled away slightly, looking into eachother's eyes lovingly for the last time. "I always will."
"I love you too," Niall breathed back, tears streaming down his and Liam's cheeks, as their foreheads pressed together. "To the moon and back."
"I hate to see you go.." Niall whispered after a few moments. "I don't want you to leave me." Liam chuckled, but it turned into a slight, painful cough. Niall frowned.
"Don't worry, Niall...I'll be with you wherever you go." Liam shakily exhaled. "I promise." He finished, sealing it with a kiss that Niall returned, before the boy's body went slack.

1D One Shots + Mini Stories || Volume I ||
FanfictionOne Direction One Shots/Mini Stories. *Includes/Will Include: - Larry, Narry, Zarry, Lirry, Nouis, Zouis, Lilo, Ziall, Niam, Ziam, Zianourry, and more.