#18: Engagement - {Ziall}

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Author's P.O.V.

"Alright, i'm off." Zayn sighed and kissed Niall's temple.

"Aww, where to?" The blonde pouted, poking out his bottom lip. "Just to the store, love. Have to get some things." Zayn reassured his boyfriend, pecking him on the lips lightly.

"Okay." Niall amswered simply against Zayn's lips.

"Love you" Zayn returned. "Love you too." Niall answered before walking away from Zayn. Zayn smiled slightly as Niall walked away, he knows Niall's a bit upset. He had been leaving him lately quite a lot, and never really told Niall why. But he hopes everything will go well, and it all pays off.

Niall began to cook in the kitchen, the sizzling of the bubbling oil in the pan snapping Zayn from his daze. He shook his head and grabbed his things, ready to go to the store, after picking up Louis.


"So are we going now?" Louis questioned the bradford boy. "Yeah." Zayn answered with a smile as he turned right onto the street with the jewelry store.

He drove down the street and and stopped in front of a small building, bright neon lights printing out the words 'Jeanna's Jewelry.' at the top of the store. The doors were being pushed open by a couple, a girl staring at her hand in awe as the man with her rolled his eyes. "Expensive.." the man muttered under his breath, taking a gaze as the girl.

Zayn visibly gulped as he saw them pass by. Suddenly he feels nervous, finally here in front of the store, with only one task.

To find the perfect ring.

Louis pat the younger lad's shoulder next to him before asking him, "Are you ready?" to which Zayn answered with a gulp. "Yeah.."

They walked inside the store and Zayn took a look around, mesmorized by the hundreds of rings lying in the glass cases. A man at the counter smiled at the both of them, and both boys returned the smile thankfully.

"Looking for the perfect ring for the perfect one, huh?" The man queried, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah, he's beautiful." Zayn replied dreamily. He pulled out his phone, showing the man a picture of Niall.

 He pulled out his phone, showing the man a picture of Niall

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"That's him, Zayn whispers. That's the man i'm gonna marry." He smiles.

The man smiles. "He is beautiful." He agrees. "I think i have a selection you might like." He adds.

He shows Zayn to a section at the far right, where the men's engagement rings are.

"The top two rows." The man smiles again before waving at Zayn and Louis and walking away to help other customers, just walking into the store. Louis peers at the rings the man suggested, and scrunches up his nose a little.

"I don't think Niall would like these..." Louis trails off. "Me neither." Zayn agrees and chuckles as Louis lets out a loud laugh.

"Ooh, over here!" Louis whisper shouts to the younger boy. "There's a few here."

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