#11: Secret of love - {Zouis}

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Author's P.O.V.

The lads were on break at the studio, in the middle of practice sessions. They were still working constantly on their voices, making them the best they could be. "Come on lads, we all know it." Liam groaned, looking at the two on the couch. "For the last time Liam, Louis and i are friends! Lads can be best friends ya know?" Zayn said for the millionth time it seemed like. Louis supported Zayn's argument, saying, "Yeah, we just get along really well, best mates, ya know." Louis waved his arms as he spoke. "Lads, maybe Z and Lou are right. Louis and Zayn could be just as good of friends just like you guys are." Niall said to Liam and Harry, breaking up the argument, not wanting anyone fighting anymore. Liam and Harry rolled their eyes at their blonde bestfriend, and chuckled. "Fine, then." The cheshire lad remarked with a sigh.

A few seconds later, Paul walked in. "Boys, time's up. Time to get back to the practice studio." He said in their general direction. He hung off the door frame as he said it, opening the door with the other hand. Without further words, Paul walked off, and the boys followed him back.

Another hour and a half later, it was another short 15 minute break. All five lads went to the break room they were in before, before Louis and Zayn distracted the other three with video games and endless conversation. Zayn texted Louis after he walked out silently, saying, "Come to the other recording studio on the opposite side of the building, the one we're not using. I want to talk to you. ;)" reading the message, he replied a simple, "Ok, see you there ;)" and clicked his power button to lock his phone, before making an excuse to the rest of the lads, saying he needed to go talk to Paul for a minute. The boys bought it, and resumed their conversation. Perfect. Louis made his way to Studio 4C, almost to the opposite side of the building. Where as they were practicing in studio 6A for the day, it was a far enough distance from the boys, but short enough to jog back to the other studio or to the boys if they needed to.

Finally, Louis met Zayn in the room he said to. Quickly before the door even already shut, Louis was pulled in. "What the-" Louis said surprised, only to be cut off by the raven haired one's finger to his lips. Louis cocked his head in confusion. Zayn let the door shut before starting his conversation with Louis.

---back with the other three boys

"Boys, did you notice how long Louis' been gone?" The irish lad said, letting his accent coat his sentence, his face scrunching in confusion. Liam looked around the room, before returning with a look of confusion aswell. "Yeah, um- where did he go exactly??" Liam was concerned. "Not to mention Zayn's gone too." Harry piped up, finishing his sandwich, pausing their game of Mario Kart. "True, true..." Niall trailed off. "We should find them" Liam burst with a hopeful expression. Niall and Harry silently nodded, agreeing. They decided to start with Studio 1A, and worked their way across the building.

"Ugh," Harry said, dragging out the 'u'. "Where are they?" He said again, dragging out the 'y' in the question. "Sh!" Liam quickly shushed them, "Listen, boys! I think i hear them.." Liam quickly and quietly said, peaking around the he corner of studio 4C. "Look, there they are!" Niall whispered excitedly. "But, what are they doing??" He asked in confusion. "Watch and listen guys, this may be our only chance at seeing or hearing them talking privately to eachother." Harry shushed. They leaned toward the door, just peaking around the corner. Louis and Zayn were easy to see, they were nearly about 16 feet from the door, almost in front of it, but a little to the right. No one else was on this side of the building. What were they up to?

------With Louis and Zayn

"Louis, i have a question.." The bradford boys accent rang clear.
"Y-yes Zayn?" Louis asked in return, his heart started beating faster. He didn't know what to expect. Zayn turned a light red, a blush painting on his cheeks. He looked Louis in his dark blue eyes, and sighed lovingly before saying at almost a whisper, "Well... we- we've- um..." Zayn didn't know how to say it. He took Louis hands and held them as he stood in front of Louis. The three snoopers (Liam, Harry and Niall) were all raising brows, still listening and watching them. "Well, Louis..." Zayn tried starting again.

"Zayn...please..." Louis trailed off. He knew what the raven haired boy was trying to say. He knew exactly what. Louis blushed a little, remembering his hands are intertwined with his crush's. Zayn muttered under his breath with a deep sigh. He wasn't good at this. Neither was Louis. "Z-Zayn.." Louis said, gaining the other lad's attention. "M-may-i-" Louis tried saying, only to be cut off with, "There's no need for two of us to ask." Cheekily said by the Bradford boy. He smiled, and then leaned into Louis, putting his hands on his hips. They both smiled as Louis snaked his arms up around Zayn's neck, hanging them there. Finally, their lips meet. The both of them couldn't explain how good it felt to finally kiss eachother. They had known about liking eachother for a while, flirting here and there. But they never knew how to address it. Sparks and Fireworks were going off like bombs as the kiss deepend, and they pulled eachother closer. Zayn licked Louis' bottom lip, asking for enterance. Louis happily accepted, parting his lips slightly, enough for Zayn to put his tounge in his mouth. The three snooping at the door were now wide eyed, frozen in place; their jaws dropped, and their eyebrows raised. They couldn't believe they seen it. They're two bandmates all over eachother and blushy one minute, and kissing and snogging the next. They stood there shocked, behind the glass door outisde studio 4C, no longer peering around the doorway.

Zayn put one hand on Louis' neck, caressing his cheek. Louis had his hands on the back of Zayn's head and neck, pulling him more into himself. He craved for more from the raven haired lad. It seemed as though Zayn agreed, as he used Louis' hips to pull Louis more into him, sliding one hand down to his bum giving it a quick squeeze before returning to pulling on Louis' hips.

Liam, Harry, and Niall looked at eachother, as they saw their bandmates continuing to kiss and crave for more from eachother. They smirked to themselves and eachother. They opened the door. Zayn and Louis didn't notice, they were in their own world.

Zayn and Louis stopped their session, and leaned their foreheads against eachother. They held eachother for a few minutes before Zayn broke the silence, oblivious to the other three standing a few feet away from them in the same room, the other three not making a sound. "Louis....will...Will you be mine? Forever? I know we've always been friends for a while but we've always kinda know that we've liked eachother and i don't want to ruin our friendship, and i understand if you don't want to but-" Zayn rambled, but was cut off with Louis kissing him. Zayn kissed back, before Louis pulled away. "Of course, you're my world, Zayn." He smiled like an idiot. Zayn returned Louis' smile. He was so happy. "You're amazing, I love you Lou." Zayn said blushing, still smiling like an idiot. Louis kept smiling, he was now blushing too. "I love you too, Z." They sealed their promises and relationship with a quick and sweet kiss, before they heard three distinctive coughs. Shit.

They pulled away from eachother and whipped their heads in the direction where the noises came from. Their other bandmates Harry, Liam, and Niall, stood there with smiles, grins, and smirks. Zayn and Louis froze, their mouths slightly parted. They didn't know what to say, or where to start for an excuse. Damn, they were definitely caught.

"Uhm..." Zayn and Louis quickly tried to find an excuse. "We saw the whole thing guys." Niall remarked with a reassuring smile. Louis and Zayn didn't know what to say. "Guys, we knew you both liked eachother. We were waiting for something to happen. We just didn't expect it like this." Liam explained. Harry only smiled in response, nodding his head along with Niall and Liam. "Glad you two finally realized about eachother. It's about damn time." Harry finally said, making everyone chuckle.

Louis and Zayn smiled their biggest smiles, and stood closer to one another, Zayn wrapping his right arm around Louis' waist, resting his hand on Louis' hip; While Louis wrapped his left arm around Zayn's waist and kept it there like Zayn did. Zayn and Louis smiled to eachother and the rest of the lads, before giving eachother a kiss of accomplishment. They were happy, they finally had eachother.

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