One of my favorites
Author's P.O.V.
"40 minutes boys!" Paul shouted through the doors of the dressing room. The boys had gotten dressed before they got on stage, so they can do some quick vocal rehursals and then rush on when it's time. Also having more time to do a few quick things last minute if need be. A huff left Niall's mouth as Liam sighed, watching Harry run around the dressing room chasing Louis. "Seriously?" Zayn asked, rolling his eyes. 'There was something in his eyes,' Liam thought. He guessed it was from how much sleep he got last night, since he and Niall are the most cranky when it comes to not getting enough sleep. Niall could practically see the fire in Zayn's eyes, he knew Zayn was tired, but that didn't match the hurt mixed with a hint of jealousy coursing through his best friend. Niall knew Zayn had liked Harry, but Harry was dating some supermodel and they were super happy together. It killed Zayn; he practically went to Niall almost every night just to escape the situation or cry, his irish best friend holding and comforting him. Zayn took a glance at Niall, who was already staring at him. Giving a quick fake smile that Niall could see right through, and left the room. Niall felt bad for Zayn, and returned the fake smile back to him even though he had already left. Liam peered over at Niall with sad eyes, he could tell when Niall was upset. Niall looked to Liam and shrugged trying to hide it, and giggled a forced giggle. Liam continued with disappointed eyes, and gave Niall a small kiss on the lips as well as the nose, before going to go change into his clothes for the stage in now about 36 minutes. Niall tried to smile, the flashes of his upset friend preventing his lips from curving into his smile that everyone loved so much. He sighed before going to change, seeing as Harry and Louis had left the room.
When all the boys get out of their respective changing rooms they do a practice run of some bits of the songs. They did a bit of Don't Forget Where You Belong, Diana, Better Than Words, Midnight Memories, and Story Of My Life.
Louis turned to the clock and shouted, "Whoo! Mates, 10 minutes!!!" Everyone cheered at the oldest's comment.
It was finally time to go on stage. Once they got that cue for them to go on stage, Niall was the first to run on stage and do his famous jump before running down the platform. Liam ran out after Niall and threw his hands in the air as he ran down the platform. Louis ran out from the opposite side of the stage followed by Harry and Zayn. They all laughed as Louis tripped on his way down the platform, and brought the irishman down to the ground with him. Zayn laughed and put his hand on Harry's shoulder trying not to fall over.The first song of the night began to play as the fans were screaming loud, leaving the boys to be themselves on stage and laughing and having a good time like they always do. They were so lucky and happy the fans supported them, and always tried to do their best, no matter what the people or management said towards or about them.
Soon enough the middle marker of the concert played. Better Than Words. Niall grinned as he danced around on stage. Harry swiftly grabbed his water bottle next to Zayn's and took a sip before going to the front of the stage to do his water spray he usually did. Louis and Liam had just got done with a water fight during Midnight Memories, which left water everywhere. Zayn closely watched Louis and Liam, then darting his eyes towards his beloved curly haired friend, watching him closely from the side of the stage. Liam got ready as well as Louis and calmed down a bit, both settling near Zayn. Harry ran down the platform of the stage to the front next to Niall, and on his beat did the water spray. As he got up and high fived Niall, he smiled at his blonde bandmate and winked at Zayn shortly after. Niall went to walk away from the cheshire lad after their high five, but he heard a thump. Turning around he saw his curly haired bandmate on the floor, and knocked out. He lie next to one of the security guards. He looked towards the boys who looked at Niall for reassurance that Harry was okay, when he started crying. Zayn ran over and jumped off the stage with Louis, Louis barking orders to everyone around them, making sure they knew what to do and giving each person something to do. Liam took his blonde boyfriend in his chest and held onto him as Louis called an ambulance, seeing Harry covered in blood. Something happened. Zayn tried not to cry, and looked back at Niall. Liam and Niall engulfed the Bradford boy in a hug. Liam now understood why Zayn was upset earlier.

1D One Shots + Mini Stories || Volume I ||
FanfictionOne Direction One Shots/Mini Stories. *Includes/Will Include: - Larry, Narry, Zarry, Lirry, Nouis, Zouis, Lilo, Ziall, Niam, Ziam, Zianourry, and more.