#22: Sunshine to Storms - {Niam}

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Bringing 5SOS into this one, hope you don't mind

(Niam + Lashton)

"Alright, we're going out," Luke yelled across the house. "Gonna play some fūtball!" He shouted again. "See ya soon!" Niall yelled after. Louis smiled up at Niall from the couch who smiled back before continuing to play Fifa with Michael and Calum. "Wait for me!!" Ashton yelled, soon laughing as Harry practically tumbled down the stairs saying the same thing. "Seeya lads." Zayn shouted from the kitchen.

"Liam said he'll meet us there." Ashton mumbled from the passenger seat to Niall who was driving. "Alright." Niall answered.

When they got to the field, they saw Liam practicing swerving the ball around some set up cones in the middle of the field, more towards the left goal. Niall wolf whistled. "My boyfriend's hot," He laughed. "Mine's better," Luke grinned, kissing Ashton on the lips happily, leaving Ashton grinning from ear to ear as well.

"Alright, let's go." Harry muttered as he rolled his eyes. The boys laughed a little before heading in Liam's general direction. (A/N: One Direction. I'M KIDDING, DON'T HATE ME)

"Hey babe." Liam smiled, wrapping an arm around Niall's waist protectively before he kissed the blonde on the lips shortly. "Hey." The irishman smiled fondly at the brunette, before turning to the other boys. "The lads and i are here now." He stated, grinning when Ashton yelled out excitedly. Luke laughed along with Liam and Niall, shortly calming Ashton down before Harry was laughing and dragging them all to their seperate teams. "I call goalie." Harry announced, skipping towards the sidelines. Ashton and Luke raised an eyebrow questioningly at the curly haired brunette, before shrugging it off as he grinned in their general direction. By the third game, Liam and Niall had already had their plan made. Niall would swerve around Luke and get to Ashton where he was goalie, kicking the ball to Liam before he shot the goal. It all sounded perfect.



Thunder cracked across the sky, making Niall and Ashton practically jump out of their skin. With Harry laughing at the sidelines, he, Liam, and Luke went to make sure the two were okay before skipping off to the car once again. At least they got three or so hours worth of sun before it all went bad.

"Sunshine to storms." Luke laughed. "Oooh sunshine to storms." Harry and Ashton sing-songed in unison, giggling afterwards. "Oooh, sunshine to storms." Liam and Niall belted a high note, all of the crew laughing before they drove back to the house.

Sorry it's short and i haven't uploaded in a while, taking a break because this started to feel more like a chore in some way rather than an escape and something i enjoy. I'll be back soon though, uploading as much as possible to keep all of y'all happy. 🙂

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