#10: First Date - {Lirry}

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Liam's P.O.V.

Today was the day. I was finally going out on a date with the man of my dreams. It might be my bandmate, but he seriously is the best person i've ever met. He is so kind, loving, caring, sensitive, charming, cheeky, etcetera.

With those thoughts running through my head making me smile, i got into a hot shower to start my day, before Harry and i's date tonight. I had no idea where i wanted to take him. But i'd figure it out. I'm sure i will.

I let the hot water graze down my back relieving any body pain, before i wash my hair and such. Thinking about a lot of things that could go wrong and right tonight, i get out and dry off. I put on some boxers and sweatpants, letting them hang dangerously low on my hips, showing a bit of my v-line. I didn't feel the need to put on a shirt, so i walked downstairs to fetch breakfast. I go downstairs to see the lads eating breakfast, so i fetch myself some and join them at the table. As i go over to the cabinet to grab a cereal bowl, i can't help but notice Harry looking at me and biting his lip, which makes me smirk. As i walk over to the table with my breakfast i quickly leaned into Harry's ear and whispered, "Not now, babe." Which left him blushing and flustered. I chuckled and shot a wink in his direction. I loved teasing him.

For the rest of the day we all decided watched movies and got Nando's for lunch because the one and only Niall Horan, was hungry.

Eventually enough night submerged the sky and stars were out dancing into the moonlight as i walked up to the all-too-familiar door. My heart was beating out of my chest as my hand came up to the wooden door on it's hinges, and knocked a slight knock, repeating itself three times. *knock* *knock* *knock* Before i could register just how much my heart was racing, the door was opening and that same head of curls was at display in front of me. There he was, all dressed up and ready to go. On a date, with me. Me. I still can't believe it's with me, i have to pinch myself at the thought sometimes. "Ready to go?" I asked, seeing his gorgeous smile and adorable dimples on his face. "Yeah, ready." He breathed, staring into my eyes. Our hands touched for a breif moment, before he giggled and followed behind me on the way to my car outside the flat. 'That laugh...' I thought. It was like music to my ears, ringing through the once silent filled air that surround us in temporary peace, the only sound in the moment being the sound of his genuine joy, the sound reflecting off of surfaces and returning back to us. Latching our hands together on our way to the car, he smiled up at me. God, that smile, it was my weakness for sure.

At the resteraunt, i couldn't stop looking at him. Taking subtle looks here and there. I couldn't help but take in the light that shined off his curls, face, and eyes, his laughter that showed his dimples, his bright green eyes sparkling with total and genuine joy in the moment. He's so beautiful.

As i was admiring him a few words brought me out of my thoughts.

"You think so too, yeah?"
"Hm?" Is all i said. "Sorry, i'm trying not to sneeze."

Author's P.O.V.

The curly brunette laughed and rolled his eyes. "Mhmm..." He said in a taunting voice. He wasn't that dumb. And Liam wasn't that good at comebacks. Liam blushed a little, a light tint on his cheeks, and smiled.
"I said on how Niall and Louis are practically made for eachother. They're perfect."
"Right, yeah!" Liam agreed, Louis and Niall were literally a mirror for eachother.

Harry's P.O.V.

The waitress came by to take our orders next. I noticed how she kept looking over at Liam slightly, ignoring my existance every time. She looked over at me and said, "What would you like, darling?" She asked me. I smiled and replied with, "Shrimp and chips with water, please."

She turned towards Liam and giggled. "And for you, Babe?" She giggled again, winking at Liam. I felt the anger build inside me. I know why, i'm in love with Liam. I always have been. I tried not to growl at her as she walked away. All i wanted to do now is claim him as mine. Hold him, maybe his hand, or maybe kiss him. I wanted to show her that he was mine, and mine only. He looked totally unbothered as he told her to get him the same thing i did, and looked back at me. I looked at him, my expression turning into sadness. He frowned a bit, and took my hands in his. "I'm not on a date with her, don't worry about it, love" he frowned, looking into my eyes. I could only gaze down at the table, still feeling anger but shameful. I knew he loved me, but it angered me to see other people try and take him from me.

"I can't help it....." I said, leaving the end of the sentence hanging.  He caressed my hands in his with his thumb as encouragement, signaling me to continue. "I guess you could say i'm afraid to lose you.." I finished, my heart hurting at the thought of losing him. His face kept getting sadder, as he leant across the table to kiss me. His lips locked with mine, and i definitely kissed back. It was like heaven, i was on cloud nine. He pulled away and sat back down, me mirroring his movements. His hands remained holding mine, him smiling at me. I blushed a little and looked at the table below our intertwined hands. The waitress returned with our food and frowned while glaring at the sight of our hands and smiles with eachother. Liam never broke our gaze, he wanted me to know that i was his, and he was mine. I smiled to him as he gleamed back at me. I loved him so much. It was the waitresses turn to growl, as she walked away huffing. Never knew you could get that upset after finding that a very attractive man that you like is with a guy that he's in love with, sitting across the table from eachother.

He smiled a bigger smile as he let his eyes shine with accomplishment. He let go of my hands, and set our foods in front of us. The waitress left them by the edge of the table along with out drinks, and left as quickly as possible once she saw Liam and I smiling at eachother lovingly and holding hands.  I laughed a little, and took a bite into my food as he did his.

Dinner was great, it tasted amazing. Now it was time to go back to our flat that we shared with the boys. Liam, being the gentleman he is, opened the car door for me like he did on the way here, and closed it after i got in the car. He ran around to the driver's side of the car and got inside. Turning on the radio, he smiled his usual smile to me. 'I can't believe he loves me..' I thought. He held my hand on the way home while driving with the stick shift in his car, our fingers laced together.

Once we got home, he stopped us by the front door. He chuckled and said, "wow, i'm not good at this.." And chuckled again. I giggled as i saw the nervousness in his eyes, his hands were almost shaking. Quickly he took a deep breath as he saw me super nervous, and smirked. I gulped a little as he smiled. He grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to him, and we both blushed a little. He caught my lips with his, and i giggled into the kiss. He chuckled as he kissed me, and i started to kiss back. I held onto his biseps as he kissed me, his hands finding my waist. Snaking my hands around his neck as he pulled away, i laughed and kissed his cheek, and the corner of his mouth on the other side of his face. He gleamed and blushed a little. You can be sure we loved the effect we had on eachother.

My heart stopped as the words came out suddenly to me, his voice breathing the words. "Be mine?" He asked, willing his voice not to shake.
"Of course" i replied in a whisper.

And i'll tell you, it was the best first date ever.

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