first chapter

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James Everett POV

Last Year. (June, 2009)

Betty is one stubborn bitch.

I stood her up on one date because I forgot and now she's been up my ass about it. It's a junior thing. They're no longer fresh meat, meaning freshman, and they're no longer in that 'in between' year of youngsters and legitimate high school students, meaning sophomores. The entitlement comes with age I guess, and I was a hell of a lot worse as a junior.

She's been here though. We've been dating since she was a freshman and I was a sophomore. Yes, it's been on and off for the past few months but she won't leave me. She needs me.

At least that's what I thought up until I stumbled into the gymnasium, full of students, and saw her laughing and dancing. I wouldn't think anything of it if she was alone or with her stupid idea of a friend, Inez.

But no, she wasn't alone, and she wasn't with Inez. She was dancing with him.

Bowie Jareau.

She knows, very well, that I can't stand that kid. She did this just to spite me, I know it. She's aware that I hate huge crowds of people. They make me anxious but I don't know why. Yet she knew I'd come looking for her anyway because I usually walk her home.

Bowie's a junior but walks around like he owns the place. He also happened to take my spot on the varsity basketball team.

I understand Betty wanting to make a point and shove my mistake in my face, but seriously?

Fine. She wants to fight fire with fire? Then get your matchbox ready because I'm only getting started.

Bowie can walk you home.

Which leads me to where i am now

Outside, sitting under the bleachers with a lit cigarette between my lips, puffing the toxicity in and out like my life depends on it.

"You know," i hear a soft voice "smoking is really bad for you"

I look up to see a girl. A freshman or sophomore maybe.

I've seen her around but she's not too familiar to my eyes. She's cute. Silky brown hair that cascades down her back, a cute little nose, full pink lips and freckles. They're very faint but you can tell they're just coming out of hibernation for the summer.

And those eyes. They're mesmerizing. I've never seen eyes in her shade of blue. Not your typical light blues. They look almost navy but they have some type of sparkle in them.

The sparkle of innocence.

"Yeah, well I'm not much of an avid health connoisseur" I smile, because i really couldn't give half a shit about what these cigarettes have been doing to my body.

"Well you should be because i think someone like you shouldn't just be wasting their life away for a tobacco stick" she says, and i'm not sure what she meant.

Someone like me?

I stand up, rubbing the dirt from the ground off my jeans and walk up close to her. I get a good look at her, and wow.

She looks into my eyes for just a second before looking back down at the ground. I'm making her nervous aren't I?

"You're James, right?" she asks. "The senior?"

"Yup, that's me" I throw the half smoked cigarette onto the ground and step on it, killing the flame. A few seconds pass.

"And what's your name sweetheart?" I question, grabbing a strand of her soft brown hair and tucking it behind her ear.

"Augustine." she answers and exhales a shaky breath, indicating her nerves are consuming her. "Augustine Jareau"


"Well it was nice meeting you Augustine," I reach down to the ground and grab my half open backpack and swing it over my back.

" I'll see you later, yeah? Maybe at a game or something." I push my brown hair out of my face and shoot her a quick smirk before walking away.

I know exactly what I'm gonna do.

Get your matchbox ready, Betty.

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