Chapter 1

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Y/n POV...

You rub you forehead to soothe the ache. Your eyes feel heavy from reading small letters for past hour.You glance at the digital 
clock on your desk, only to find that you've taken an overtime again.

You rarely mean it, only too focused on your work so you don't fell anything happening outside it. Even your hunger get unnoticed when you're in front of file of folders to read and sign.

You lean back on your chair, feeling exhaustion all at once. Your body is stiff from sitting all day. You reach for your phone, checking for important message.

You always keep it on silent as nice clients will call on your office phone. Only your mother will call you on you mobile and for sure it's not of important.

The name registered for the missed call isn't her though. You blink at your screen, finding it weird to have his name written on it.

Kim Taehyung. Your husband.

What weirder than saving his contact number using his full name is him calling you. You don't talk muck to each other, even if you live the same roof.

It's not only because Taehyung is introvert as it gets or you'd rather drown yourself with paperworks than have chat with him. You've just never felt need to get to know him. He's already your husband, even if its business purposes only.

He'll be at home if you really need something. No need to call. You don't even remember much about the weeding. Everyone who's has a name was there, congratulating a successful union.

The reception was full of gift but no stories. You were fine with it, you knew it's for the best and you were too in love with your work to see other people. Being arranged with Kim Taehyung was a strategic choice designed by both set of parent.

You didn't hear any complaints from him either. You spend your weeding night at some island, a gift from Taehyung parents. But nothing happened, not even mere thoughtful conversation.

Taehyung said that he was tired from the weeding so he'd go to his room. You too resign to your own, separate room. You spend supposed to be honeymoon week giving each other space.

Your phone light up again. This time,it's a message from him.

My parents are here. What time are you coming home?


I am so sorry for being late," you quickly say as you enter the dinning room finding Taehyung and parents finished with dinner and talking about business.

"Darling, where have you been?" his mother ask when you come closer to kiss her chick.

"I got stuck in the office. I didn't know you will come. I wonld've made my secretary remind me,  you try to subtly point out their suddenly visit.

We understand that your company is blooming right now, after your weeding with Taehyung, but know when to take a break.

Come home to your husband and spend time with him. It will lessen the stress, your mother-in-law advises.

You force a smile,"I understand."

"Have you eaten dinner?" Taehyung asks, making you turn your head to him. He's wearing a casual clothes so he must have came home from work much earlier.

"Not yet," you simply answer taking the sit next to him. You mention one of maid to fill your plate.

"I was calling you earlier to remind you."

You purse your lip. Why he is saying that in in front of his parents? Is he showing them that your being uncooperative? "I was busy. And I didn't feel hungry then, so I wouldn't have  eaten even if I answer your call".

Your not usually snappy. You just got used to coin habiting with him in silence so you don't know what he means and how you should answer. Your default way is to protect yourself.

"I tell your secretary not to leave the office  until you're there. At least she'll be able to bring your dinner if you're being overtime."

"No don't do that. I can handle myself," you look at him intently.

He weighs your gaze until it's clear to him that he shouldn't pry. Thankfly, his mother cuts your cold conversation to tell you about
the family function to be held this weekend.
Everyone will be there to welcome you to the family, so they expect you to leave your work for a day and enjoy with them.

You smile and promise you'll be there.
Hopefully, it doesn't cause you more headache.


You grip in the sink and try to get something
out of your throat. But since you barely all from all introduction during lunch nothing comes out. You stand at the isolated kitchen
with cold sweat breaking on your forehead
from the nausea. Your headache has involved to something stronger but you can't even show it to the elegant people outside.

"Are you okay?!" a panicked voice startles you.

You look behind and find your husband rushing toward you. You turn the top on and splash with your mouth with water, embarrassed to have him see you drooling.

"It's nothing," you mumble.

But he seems ti not believe is as he holds your hair for you. It has been sticking on your neck because of sweat. "What happened? Should we go to the hospital.

"No, no," you quit stand up straight. He's holding your hair though so you can't face him properly. "I'll be fine. I was just... overwhelmed. There ware too many people so I felt dizzy."

"You should've told me. Come on, we're leaving." From your hair, his hand goes to your shoulder.

"No, we don't have to leave. Your mother wants me to help prepare the snacks--"

He raise a brow. "Do you even know how to cook?"

"No, but--"

Taehyung mother emerges. You can see her surprise to see you sick or maybe that her son is so close to you. Even at the weeding, there was no kiss. Only force hold of hand at most. "What's happening?"

"She's feeling sick," Taehyung speaks for you. "Mom, we have to go home so she can rest. I'm sure you can prepare food alone?"

"Of course, Taehyung. Please, take your wife home or better yet, to the hospital. She looks really pale. This must have been from working to much!"

You take a deep breath. Yes, you've been working hard but it's not the sole reason why you're stressed. But you can't tell her that meeting their family is upsetting your health. "I'm sorry. I just need some sleep,
I think."

Of course, darling. Please, take care of yourself. Taehyung, get her home and don't leave her until she's well."

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