Chapter 10

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What he says goes. You need to fight against him if you really want another thing. This triples when you're out of the building. You're just his child. He makes you feel like your nothing without him.

"What is this?" he asks, folding his arms over  his chest. "Are we getting sentimental here?"

It's happening. This is the part you dreaded. Once they see that you're in good terms with Taehyung, they will mock your previous attempts to get away from their plan's. Part of you wanted to spite them earlier, so you didn't make any efforts to get to know your new husband. You know how they can use it against you. And you're just so done with feeling worthless.

Your father turn to Taehyung. "The contract between me and your parents are clear. You will not be hindering in any of our company's affairs. You wanted to marry my daughter, so you promised to help and not to get in our business whatever way."

"He is not hindering anything —"

"Oh, but your feelings for him are."

You lock eyes with your sister. She nods and quietly usher's the kids out of the room. You both know what's about to come. Your father had the decency to not embarrass you in front of them at least. He only speaks after they're gone.

"I can still remember how against you were on this marriage. You had this grand speech about how you don't need a man. You were the one who insisted on the stipulations. You will only marry if the husband will respect your stand and not interfere with the company's success." He snickers. "But here you are now, planning to ditch an important conference so you can play with this boy?"

"Stop talking about him like that," you say through gritted teeth. He can curse you all he wants, but he has no right to say anything about Taehyung.

"With all due respect, sir," Taehyung starts. You feel him hold your shaking hand tighter, "my wife has the freedom to do whatever she wants. You've already caged her all these years, and making you're planning to control her by making her spend the rest of her life with someone she barely knows, but at least good for your reputation. You know how much she respect you and she still marrw me so your company is assured of great future, so how can you not respect her too?"

Your father's brows meet. No one has ever talked back to him like that. Taehyung is calm, yet his words bear weight

"It's her birthday. She spent her previous birthdays attending those parties you only organise in order to be the talk of the town and meet other influential peoples. Is it so wrong to want something different this time? She deserves to be celebrated. She's an amazing person. As you kept on repeating earlier, you're getting all these perks after she sacrificed herself and marry whoever you think is beneficial. And yet you can't let her be happy for just one day?"

You wipe the tear that feel unceremoniously. You have never been been defended like that. It's always you who will have fight for your happiness. And in the end, you still don't get it..

"She spent all  her life doing things you wanted. Now that she's with me, I will let her do what makes her happy."

Taehyung stands up and gently pulls you with him. You look at your parents and find them in a mixture of confusion and disbelief.

"It was me who wanted to be married to you, I'm sorry for that," he says. You stare at his apologetic eyes. "I was stupid to think it's the only way. If I would be given the chance to redo things, I would pursue you and try to get you without all these business crap and contracts pushing us into doing it. I will get to know you and what makes you happy, and I will never make you feel like you don't have a choice."

Your heart thuds too strongly. You have never heard such things close to saying they care about you. Not from your family nor anyone else.

"Thank you for inviting us," Taehyung says with finality. He looks at your parents with fierceness you never knew quite Teahyung can get out. "But I won't let you treat her like this way again."


You hear soft knocking from the other side. You close your eyes and take a deep breaths. Taehyung doesn't really need permission to enter his room. You've been sleeping here with him for a few nights now, so it's really you who should leave.

You immediately secluded yourself in the room after you got home. Your emotions were getting the best of you, so you need to get away for short while. It's already dark outside, probably why Taehyung is knocking. He must be worried. But to be honest, it's not only your father's words that lingers in your brain. In fact, most that haunts you are Taehyung's would haves.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2021 ⏰

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