Chapter 8

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Someone taps your shoulder and you turn to see Jin. You prepare to greet him happily, but you suddenly remember the video and the things he said.

You're not sure how to act around him.

"I'm sorry about everything I said," he says with no further ado, maybe reading from your expression that you know what happened. "There's no excuse. I disrespected you and I made Taehyung mad I'm so sorry."

You aren't that cold to not forgive him, especially if he looks so small despite his triking clothes. It isn't the douchebag you and Taehyung joke about. "I accept your apology. Have you talked to Taehyung? He was really upset."

"I have," he assures you. "He warned me not to get close to you, but I just had to tell you that I acknowledged my mistake."

You nod. "Well, at least you're matured enough to do that. Maybe Namjoon will admire you too if he sees that."

Jin blushew at your implication. You smile at him, so he'll know youy not taking it to the heart anymore.

"Why didn't you tell me you've arrived?" a voice ask from behind you and before you can look, you feel an arm snaking around at your waist.

"Taehyung," you call surprise. You glance at Jin, who bows guiltily before scurrying away.

"You look beautiful in red," he says, though he's eyes don't leave your face. You can feel his fingers on your bare back, sending tingles to your tips.

"Thank you," you manage to answer, though a bit breathless.

"Come. Let's greet Jimin," he says before guiding you to where Jimin stands.

While walking, you can't help but remember the party hosted by the Jung's. It was the reason why you started to want to make this work. You wonder if Taehyung would have wanted to get closer to you even if there's no party to prepare for. Would he be interested to know your favourite colour? Would he tell you about his friendship with Hoseok? Would he introduce to the rest of the group?

You wouldn't be by his side right now if it wasn't for that party. But then again, you wouldn't be invited to the party if not for Taehyung.

Going back, Taehyung had looked out for you even before you got marrw. During the first meeting, he was nothing but polite and he kept on asking for your side to make sure he's not forcing you to anything. When the weeding and the reception was held, he never left your side and would handled the question smoothly it it seemed like you're not comfortable of answering.

When did you start mattering to Taehyung?

And when did Taehyung started mattering to you?

"You can at least pretend you're happy for my birthday," the familiar mocking tone of your friend pulls you back from reverie.

"Doctor, you spend the past year constantly saying you want death. Why are we celebrating your living?" you retort.

Jimin smirks. You are, indeed, his true friend. "That's what we do, don't we, dear patient? We keep everything in even though it hurts already. Like your headache. I told you to tell your husband about it, but looks like you're into torturing yourself."

Your jaw falls. Park Jimin dared to snitch just because it's his birthday.

"Your headache?" Taehyung makes you face him and concern fills his face. "Are they getting worse? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Oh, she's just probably shy," Jimin continues. "I told her that she needs to release her stress but she seems not to need my advice. Why don't you try to convince her, Taehyung? Maybe She'll listen to her husband."

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